The World of Trid Basic/Expert Adventures Among Ruined Empires

By Erin D. Smale, creator of the Platinum-selling Old-School Essentials BX Options series on DTRPG
It is the Age of History. Across the Continent, man struggles to build — and hold — new kingdoms out of the chaos created when the elves abandoned Trid a millennium ago.   In the cold reaches, the Nordmen drive monsters and humanoids back into the wilderness. In the Midlands, the theocracy of the Twelve Tribes is threatened by the Messenger Sect. In the south, Elven ruins lay bare for the Sudemen to plunder or for the Ostmen to seal off, while the Alfmen reclaim the birthright of their Elven bloodline. The Inselmen build their city states on the wreckage of the ancient Saurian Empire, and the Rovers of the Scour search the flatlands for what only they know. Everywhere, cults rise up to lead true believers into a new era.   It is the Age of History: The saurians are dead, the elves are gone, and man must shape the world they've inherited.