
Duration: 12 turns
Range: 60’   Creates a circular barricade of whirling weaponry that spins in a 15’ radius around a target at its centre.  
  • Form: The barrier is comprised of the favoured weapon of the caster’s deity (e.g., hammers, maces, blades, etc. the barrier does not move with the target.
  • Damage: The barrier inflicts 6d10 points of damage to any crea-ture trying to pass through.
  REVERSED: REMOVE BARRIER   Removes an existing barrier. At the referee’s discretion, other magical blockades may be removed with a base 50% chance of success, ±10% for each level of the obstacle below or above 6th (e.g., there is a 70% chance to remove a wall of ice (4th level) but only 30% chance to re-move a prismatic wall (8th level)).
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