Incorporeal remains of intelligent mortals who have worldly business to finish before they can enter the afterlife.
AC 8 [11]; HD 10** (45hp); Att 1 x touch (energy drain) or possession; THAC0 11 [+8]; MV 90' (30'); SV D6 W7 P8 B8 S10 (10); ML 9; AL A; XP 2,300; NA 1 (1); TT C
AC 8 [11]; HD 10** (45hp); Att 1 x touch (energy drain) or possession; THAC0 11 [+8]; MV 90' (30'); SV D6 W7 P8 B8 S10 (10); ML 9; AL A; XP 2,300; NA 1 (1); TT C
- Undead: Immune to effects that affect living creatures (e.g., poison, blindness, deafness, paralysis, petrification), and mind-affecting spells (e.g., charm, hold, sleep).
- Ethereal: Ghosts have no physical substance, allowing them to pass through solid objects or move in any direction at their full movement rate.
- Mundane damage immunity: Harmed only by magic attacks.
- Horrifying: Those who see a ghost must save vs. spells or succumb to fear (as the spell cause fear).
- Energy drain: Those touched by a ghost lose 1 point of CON; characters die at zero CON.
- Possession: A ghost may inhabit the body of any single target within melee range, gaining full control of the target’s speech, movement, actions, and special abilities (including spell casting) unless they make a successful save vs. spells. The ghost is driven out if subject to dispel evil or the target is slain.
Section 15: Ghost; The World of Trid © 2024 Erin D. Smale. Author: Erin D. Smale
Frequency: Rare
Type: Undead
Terrain: Any
Type: Undead
Terrain: Any