Ogre Mage

Intelligent, magic-using ogres, dressed in embroidered finery and wielding great pole weapons.
AC 4 [15]; HD 5+4** (26hp); Att 1 x weapon (by weapon) or 1 x spell; THAC0 14 [+5]; MV 120' (40') / 180' (60') flying; SV D13 W14 P13 B16 S15 (MU5); ML 9; AL C; XP 575; NA 1d6 (2d6); TT D
  • Armement: Relying on their reflexes, ogre magi do not wear armour or carry shields. They prefer pole arms they can wield in one hand (if used two-handed, they lose initiative but gain +2 damage on a successful strike).
  • Regeneration: Starting the round after being damaged, regain 1hp per round.
  • Magic abilities: May produce the following spell-like effects at will: fly (up to 12 turns per day), invisibility, darkness 10’ radius, and polymorph self (human form only). Once per day, they may invoke charm person and sleep.
  • Cone of cold: Once per day, the ogre magi may discharge a cone of freezing energy with a range of 60’ to a width of 30’ at its end. Any caught within the cone suffers 6d6 damage (save vs. spells for half).
Section 15: Ogre Mage; The World of Trid © 2024 Erin D. Smale. Author: Erin D. Smale
Frequency: Rare
Type: Humanoid
Terrain: Any
Geographic Distribution


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