Stirge, Cavern

Subterranean cousin of the common stirge with a stony hide, piercing beak, and a diet of rock.
AC 5 [14]; HD 1+1** (5hp); Att 1 x talons (1d6) or 1 x beak (1d2 + special); THAC0 18 [+1]; MV 30' (10') / 120' (30'); SV D12 W13 P14 B15 S16 (2); ML 8; AL N; XP 23; NA 2d4 (3d6); TT V
  • Dive attack: First attack is at +2 to hit.
  • Attach: Attacks are made with talons. When a successful talon attack inflicts maximum damage, the stirge attaches and plunges its beak into the victim’s flesh. On each of the following rounds, the victim must save vs. petrification. A successful save limits damage to 1d2 points, but if the save fails, the victim instantly dissolves into a pile of small rock fragments (known as corpse gravel), which are then consumed by the stirge.
  • Detach: Victims may dislodge an attached stirge with a successful STR check during the Movement Phase. Attacks against an attached stirge automatically inflict 1d4 damage on the victim.
  • Recovery: Victims turned to corpse gravel may be reconstituted with stone to flesh or restoration if cast within 1 day per level of the victim.
  • Corpse gravel: If used as a material component when casting a wall of stone, corpse gravel increases the wall’s size by 50%.
    Section 15: Cavern Stirge; The World of Trid © 2024 Erin D. Smale. Author: Erin D. Smale
Frequency: Rare
Type: Anomaly
Terrain: Any Subterranean


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