Tentacled Horror

Massive creatures resembling the upper half of a bloated and grotesque humanoid attached to a slug’s foot. Four long tentacles extend from the horror’s torso, which is topped by a misshapen head dominated by a tooth-lined maw, a single glaring red eye, and a glistening black horn. Tentacled horrors are maliciously intelligent and establish themselves as ruler-deities over lesser subterranean creatures.
AC 2 [17]; HD 18+6** (87hp); Att 4 x tentacle (2d6 + poison) or 1 x tail slap (2d8); THAC0 7 [+12]; MV 30' (10'); SV D2 W3 P4 B3 S6 (18); ML 10; AL C; XP 4,300; NA 1 (0); TT A
  • Infravision: 120 ft.
  • Telepathy: Can communicate telepathically with any intelligent creature within 100’; context will be of force and domination.
  • Damage Resistance: Reduce acid damage by 2 points per die (minimum zero).
  • Regeneration: Starting the round after being damaged, regain 10hp per round. Regenerated hit points apply to the horn before the body; if the horn is removed or destroyed, the horror’s regenerative ability ceases to function.
  • Tentacles: Each tentacle may attack a separate target within 10 feet. If an attack roll results in 20 or more (modified or straight), the target is dragged immediately to the horror’s mouth to be bitten, then subject to another bite attack each round until freed.
  • Bite: Reserved for those caught by a tentacle, the horror’s bite attack requires an attack roll (+4 if grasped by a tentacle those bitten suffer 1d12 damage and must save vs. poison or roll on the Insanity Toxin table (see below).
  • Tail Slap: The horror’s tail may strike anyone within 10 feet.
  • Horn: Removing or destroying the horror’s horn negates its ability to regenerate or use its tail slap and reduces tentacle attacks to two per round. The horn is AC –1 [20], has 30hp, and is immune to non-magical attacks. Damage inflicted on the horn does not reduce the horror’s total hit points. Alternatively, the horn may be ripped from the horror via a STR check against a stuck door, but this exposes the attacker to the horror’s bite attack.
Tome of Horrors?
Frequency: Rare
Type: Monster
Terrain: Subterranean


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