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Dark Hobbit Progress Report


A strong and aggressive race whose members can be found on every battlefield across Ordonia

237 words


A race with natural aptitude towards sorcery who now hold much of Ordonia in fear of their raids

234 words


The most numerous race of the Old World

263 words


A collective name for races inhabiting the continent of Ordonia

384 words


A sea-faring race inhabiting the Wellimbrook Archipelago

235 words


A somewhat childish race of travellers and adventurers

193 words


A collective name for all natives of the New World

259 words

Gracious Wind

A divine phenomenon cleansing the world of its magic and worshipped by most of the Old World

1026 words

Sol Meridians

Inhabitants of Sol Meridia, most important island in the New World

265 words

Sol Meridia

Richest island of the New World

319 words

Benevolent Council

The council of Sol Meridia's wealthiest citizens

406 words

Pirate Republic

Republic of outcasts built on the shores of Windless Haven

358 words

Siege of Sol Meridia

A large-scale invasion of Sol Meridia by the forces of the Ardenian Empire

410 words

Captain Kent "Adventure" Buckler

A young noble famous for his incredibly good luck

378 words

Church of Three Prophets

One of the two main religions of the Old World

274 words


The said creator of the world worshipped in the Old World

302 words

Gollanhad's Pact

A formal document granting semi-autonomy to the island of Sol Meridia

369 words

Old Church

One of the two main religions of the Old World

306 words


A race of dark-skinned people inhabiting the continent of Etox

250 words

Agents of the Benevolent Council

Envoys and assassins carrying out the will of the Benevolent Council

255 words


The only discovered continent of the New World

238 words

Windless Haven

Absent of Gracious Wind's presence, this island is ruled by pirates and sorcerers

224 words

Governor Bradley Gollanhad

Creator of the Gollanhad's Pact and a former General-Governor of Eirish colonies

412 words

Dark Hobbit Progress so far

7597 words 75.97% completed!

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