Kliwe Progress Report


The ever changing deity of creation and the afterlife

97 words


Condition where a living elf has lost their soul

270 words

Aena Adrona

Leader of the Ecarian Empire

146 words

The Errean

People living in the west of Ecari

94 words

The Paeko

People living in the east of Ecari

149 words

Free People of Paeko

Nomadic elf tribes in the east

144 words

The Ecarian Empire

Theocratic matriarchal monarchy in the west

204 words

City State of Icheros

Plutocracy in the south of Ecari

107 words

The Icherosan

149 words


Dominant sentient species of Ecari

216 words

The Void

The god of nothingness and nonexistance

153 words


A harsh landscape in the south of Ecari

74 words


Local dialect spoken by Icherians

69 words


The capital of Icheros

262 words

Creed of Legias

Religion worshipping Legias in the Empire and Icheros

125 words


The lone continent of the world

125 words

Free Lands of Paeko

A jungle landscape in the east

138 words


The afterlife and plane of Legias

115 words

Dark Elvish

Dialect spoken by the Paeko

80 words


Dialect spoken by the Errean

90 words


The grasslands in the west and center of Ecari

100 words


Capital of the Ecarian Empire

178 words


Capital of the Free People of Paeko

83 words

Legias Animism

Religion worshipping Legias by the Paeko

211 words

Lowe Family

Wealthiest family in Icheros

88 words


Condition where a person has two souls

218 words


God of fire and destruction

76 words


God of Decay

189 words


Tradition of wearing masks to cover one's soul

554 words

Caeda Beetles

Sturdy mounts of Ecari

172 words


Magic specialising in the essences of life and death

186 words

Character Limitations

Details regarding character creation in Ecari

358 words


Mystical art focusing on souls and spirits

104 words

The Pantheon

Gods of Ecari

304 words

Soul Colours

Examples and beliefs around soul colours

276 words

Expanded Weapons

List of additional (exotic) weapons and rules

2070 words

Character Creation

How-To explaining character creation step by step

5569 words

Syndra Adrona

Late leader of the Ecarian Empire

186 words

Uurba Ser

The largest river of Ecari

95 words

The Jagged Keep

Tavern and Inn in Lyraghei

150 words

Kliwe Progress so far

13974 words 139.74% completed!

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