Lappalingur Progress Report

Ember Trees

Strange trees endemic to the southernmost parts of the Dragonían continent.

359 words

Mnóse Tortoises

The largest animals found around Ymn Lake.

250 words

Woolly Rabbits

One of the most important domesticated animals among the Útels.

201 words

Cult of Erkar

Myths and ceremonies related to the main Mörkel sea god.

632 words


The largest settlement on Úrra, one of the Azókan Islands.

322 words

Gold Shields

Elite warriors of ancient Hekólía.

405 words


A town on Eikan, one of the Azókan Islands.

308 words


An ancient kingdom on the southern Meldon Plain.

372 words


An ancient kingdom that once ruled central and western Nemirkía.

545 words


An ancient language traditionally used by faronian mages to write down arcane knowledge.

213 words


The main settlement of Harúnnen in SW-Kingdom of Faron.

357 words


A tribe in northeastern Þonnanó.

860 words


People of the southwestern coast of Þonnanó.

757 words


People of the Ha-Okn Mountains in SW-Þonnanó.

530 words

Ha-Okn Mountains

A mountain ridge in southwestern Þonnanó.

176 words


A town in southern Malónat.

434 words

Pammak Ridge

The southernmost part of the Narannax Mountains.

230 words


People of Pammak Ridge in southern Emlas.

544 words


The largest city of the vósali.

269 words

Ett River

A river on the northwestern Plain of Kings.

218 words

Ellú River

A river on the northeastern Plain of Kings.

256 words

Draapei River

A river on the eastern Plain of Kings.

198 words

Takakatys River

A river on the southeastern Plain of Kings.

170 words


Languages of the halinkazíans.

284 words

Þvan River

A river on the southeastern Vorran Peninsula.

213 words

Haþem Lake

The largest lake on the Vorran Peninsula.

224 words

Súveb River

A river on the eastern Vorran Peninsula.

241 words

Íseb River

A river on the eastern Vorran Peninsula.

229 words

Savrí Lakes

Five large lakes at the heart of Vorran Peninsula.

190 words

Epvor River

A river on the southern Vorran Peninsula.

197 words


Language of the Kroks.

473 words


A city in northeastern Pakróalx.

428 words


Language of the ancient zameltoníans.

413 words


Language of the tanikaz-dwarves.

242 words


Language of the ancient katargysíans.

208 words


Language of the dalindreans.

471 words


Language of the fazeronians.

376 words


Language of the refonians.

370 words

Lappalingur Progress so far

13165 words 131.65% completed!

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I've been worldbuilding via drawings and writing for fun since I was a kid, but only began doing so in an organized manner nearly two decades ago.
Much of my work is based on notes in my native tongue, Icelandic, and I generally try not to deviate too much from the original names for different species, cultures, regions etc. when anglicizing them here, which includes preserving some of the Icelandic letters.
The original names are usually found in the footnotes; for pronunciation guide, check this out.
Also, I'm on the autism spectrum.

Interests & Hobbies

Drawing, reading, history, anthropology, animals, paleontology, religion, mythology and folklore...anything but sports and cars.

Favorite Writers

J.R.R. Tolkien, Terry Pratchett, Elí Freysson, Margit Sandemo, Christian Cameron, Brandon Sanderson.

Favorite Games

The Sims- Elder Scrolls- and Civilization series, Spyro the Dragon, Assassin's Creed: Origins, Titan Quest, Zeus: Master of Olympus, Age of Mythology, lots of adventure games (even though I'm terrible at them) and many others.

Latest Loved work

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