SierraKomodo Progress Report

Altara's Star

An artifical comet found in the Sukarino System. Altara's Star was created in violation of Varkesh law, but also serves as a guiding symbol in Drakari belief of the Drakari-Ta's spirit.

1608 words

Radon Station

A space station in geo-stationary orbit over Zavos IV in the Zavos System, serving as both an Arshan city in the system and a forward military command post for Ekho Intelligence Forces.

1741 words

SierraKomodo Progress so far

3349 words 33.49% completed!

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Premier League

Interests & Hobbies

World and character building; Roleplaying; Gaming; Programming

Favorite Movies

Stargate; The Lord of the Rings Trilogy

Favorite TV Series

Psychopass; Stargate SG-1; Star Trek: The Next Generation

Favorite Books

Harry Potter; Ender's Game

Favorite Games

Ace Combat; Project Wingman; Enderal; StarCraft: Broodwar; Arma 3;

Latest Loved work

The Survivalist's Guild

Spoiler Button Tabs

Eastern Wild Dog

Stormbril's CSS add-ons!

The Shadow Lounge
