soaptoaster Progress Report

Aotra awaits.

Company XV-OR

Company XV-OR is one of the Federation of Vay's active-duty units of Project Vanguard soldiers.

286 words

The Wildwood Site

Once an ambitious project of the Federation of Vay, now a hub for the resurgent Ghost Corps, the Wildwood Site its at the intersection of science, magic, and humanity.

946 words


Caelus is one of the four metropolises of the Federation of Vay.

172 words

The Xalotli People

One of the last remaining dynasties of the people that once made up the Ceth Tseket are the Xalotlin, an isolated ethnic group constituting a single community in the Federation.

789 words

House Rules

349 words

Valissia ce'Xalotl

Valissia ce'Xalotl reigns as the Witch-Queen of Toluca, one of the last Tseketon monarchs in Aotra.

1815 words

Eridanis Ūdris

Lord Eridanis Ūdris ce'Cethandir was the Consul of the Vayan Department of Weapons before his death in 717.

537 words

Ethnicity in the Federation of Vay

In terms of demographics, the Federation of Vay has a high concentration of humans and elves. More than 90% of the population is human, elvish, or of mixed human-elvish heritage, while only 8% of the population are of primarily orcish descent.

2343 words

Arcane Magic

For some individuals, any magic they acquire will be hard-won raw power. These people are arcanists: no intermediating force separates them from their magic, nor will anything protect them from it.

1548 words

Marius Bérenger

Marius Bérenger was a Legate who commanded the First Caelan Legion of the Federal Military. He was killed in action during a battle between Caelan I and the army of New Xalotl in Nightwinter 717.

175 words


Toluca is an ancient Tseketon city that lives on as the capital of the separatist state New Xalotl.

1668 words

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11495 words 114.95% completed!

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