Matunas Progress Report

Crown of Regalia

106 words

Deft Touch

93 words

Fit-Nit Halo

221 words

Propulsory Engine

140 words

Worldstone Weapon

181 words

Soul Charm

199 words

Soul Reliquary

199 words


471 words

Capran Carrier

608 words


757 words

Dragon Heart Vault

933 words

Krassius Pathagon

1251 words

Jackson McKnight

481 words


671 words


443 words

Scalelord Unta

464 words

Janea Sheldon

507 words

Daring Dynamos

1135 words

Dalton Shane

645 words


572 words

Grisly Six

807 words

Abaddon Angleov

608 words

Sonata Greylake

508 words

Rosalind Fletcher

536 words

Rory Dahlword

638 words

Magus Decree

801 words

Salazar Kotodama

572 words


1479 words

Milo Silverfield

450 words

Carla Silverfield

430 words

Dawn Silverfield

560 words

Sticky Fingers

724 words

Tack Tallow

511 words

Matunas Progress so far

24670 words 246.7% completed!

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I am a nominee for Best World in World Anvil 2025 Worldbuilding Awards

TLDR. Creator of Dromaria and all-around nerd.   Hi, I’m Drew. I’m the original mind behind Dromaria, a fantasy RPG world that’s been growing since I was fourteen. Here, I’m focused on creating immersive experiences for players and readers alike, balancing storytelling with mechanics that let anyone jump in and explore.   Together, with my writing partner Chuck, we're always working on something new. Most recently it has been the free to play 5ed D&D Red Keep Adventure and the playtest for Dromaria: The Covenant. Our work thrives on blending classic RPG elements with the unexpected, offering both players and GMs a well of content to shape their own stories.   I’m not one for the limelight. Dromaria is about creating something for everyone to enjoy and make their own. The best part of this journey is seeing what others do with the world, how they adapt and change it.

Currently working on:

Favorite Movies

Ghostbusters, Groundhog's Day, Emperor's New Groove

Favorite TV Series

Firefly, Arrested Development, Avatar the Last Airbender

Favorite Books

Wheel of Time (series), Dark Tower (series), The Hobbit

Favorite Writers

Robert Jordan, Stephen King, Chuck Edens

Latest Loved work

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The Eshuma

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Introduction to containers

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We challenge you to write 10,000 words of original worldbuilding content this December. Check out the prizes and rules below!
All you need is a free World Anvil account, grab your hammer, and GO WORLDBUILD!