AmélieIS Progress Report

To see what I am up to: my World Ember 2024.

Mistress Adélaïde Jameux

A rune mistress and our most promising and youngest faculty member at the University of Lille. As clever as she is charming, she is a students and the president's clear favourite and fast on her way to becoming a fully fledged professor.

503 words

What are Dark Lords

From a religious concept, "Dark Lord" has evolved to designate a leader who commits terrible crimes against nature and incite others to follow them in this life of debauchery. It is our duty to assist His Majesty in taking them down.

453 words

Academic careers

University faculty members are jewels of French society, educating our youth, improving society, & maintaining the superiority of our army. Selected through competitions, progress from Master to Professor to elected posts is fierce but highly rewarding.

986 words

Master Isadora Laguillon

An incredibly skilled rune mistress and Master at the University of Lille. Her genius is sure to take the royal court by storm sooner or later and to bring a professorship to her and prestigious patronage to Lille.

500 words

Mistress Delphine Lefebvre

A blacksmith and Master at the University of Lille who will go far if she can ever summon the professionalism and dedication necessary for any successful careers.

462 words

Structure of the French army

The French army is composed of several armies & of lone aces. Each army is led by a general & made of several corps. Each corps is led by a marshal & made of infantry divisions, 1 artillery & warder brigade, 1 cavalry brigade & 1 elite brigade.

601 words

Nicodème's disease

The child of Adélaïde's best friend is terribly sick, and nothing the doctors have done has been able to cure him. Adélaïde investigates what's going on and how to help him...

1570 words

Herr Streiff's illusion-making pendant

An intriguing artefact worn by Herr Streiff. It can control te way light is reflected in its perimeter of action, thus effectively creating illusions. It makes sense for someone playing the role of a bodyguard to have something like that.

619 words

M. Aymeric de Toulouse

One of Adélaïde students at the University of Lille. An unbearable spoilt brat who's also unfortunately very clever. His mother is the king's top royal advisor, and so we're forbidden from punishing him too badly.

685 words

The Lefebvres' forge

The forge of Delphine's family, located in Roubaix, near Lille. Her parents and wife work there and she occasionally consult for them. They specialise in protection magic such as shields and armours or everyday items.

431 words

The Jameux's jewellery business

Adélaïde's family's jewellery business. Her parents combine their skills to design original, elegant and powerful jewellery for our clients, while she regularly consults for them when they need more complex rune magic and wards.

782 words

Pranking at the university

A fine & ancient tradition upheld by students since the foundation of the University of Lille. Aimed at buildings, statues, friends, disliked classmates, or even professors, they are a fun way to practice magic & gain experience in managing group project.

938 words

Adélaïde's research project

Adélaïde's research project report & the abstract for her presentation proposal for the Chinese envoys. Five years of research & hundreds of experiments into the materials used to make the runic designs traced on the ground when crafting warding amulets.

710 words

M. Flavien Rivoire

The Chosen One in person. A poor orphan who suddenly revealed amazing magic that destined him to one day vanquish the Dark Lord! Now enrolled in the officer track program at the University of Lille, where he's struggling to catch up with his classmates.

664 words

Prof. Jacques Tison

The very esteemed president of the University of Lille, successor to His Majesty itself to the title, his biggest fight is still to leave his mark on our University despite His Majesty's imposing legacy and still continued involvement with us.

604 words

M. Rémi Catteau

A scholarship student enrolled in the officer track program at the University of Lille. He is failing to live up to the promises he showed because he let himself be distracted form his work by his classmates' taunts. Now the Chosen One's best friend.

593 words

Herr Hugues Streiff

An Austrian Ward Master and diplomat, sent to help the Ottomans guide the Chinese envoys through Europe and during their sojourn in Lille. A well-educated man, curious about magic & enjoying collaborative projects.

420 words

The Drissoire incident

All runes students and practitioners should keep the Drissoire incident in mind: a full squadron of freshly-graduted officers, all wiped out in a few seconds because their arrogance led them to think they were above basic rune work practice.

457 words

Sarine fibres for ritual clothing

Special fibres containing a unique combination of lead and zinc that allows magic to pass through them without interacting with them. This has made them extremely useful for rituals and artefact crafting.

618 words

Master Eustache Ligné

An Enchantment master and faculty member at the University of Lille, he's a senior and influential member of the Artefact Department. His research is focused on weaving, and he's a close friend and ally of Adélaïde's nemesis, Laguillon.

458 words

Frequency-changing magic

The frequency of magic particles is important for determining spell effects & how different magics & artefacts work together. The Chosen One who'll defeat the Dark Lord is believed to be the next person found who's able to change them instinctively.

610 words

Faculty's apartments

Members of the faculty of the University of Lille are entitled to a furnished apartment inside the walls of the university. The size and quality of the apartments depends on your seniority, position in the hierarchy ladder, and research quality.

467 words

University buildings

All the different buildings and areas of the University of Lille, so that you can move around without getting lost!

1424 words

Parisian Blue—the new fashionable dye

Chemical research is a top priority for the glory of France and the supremacy of our industry and army. But in addition to its serious aspects, it can also be fun & lucrative, as exemplified by the invention of the new Parisian blue dye.

812 words

The Two Spanish Wars

Two wars have opposed us to Spain in the past 50 years. Started for the possession of a mine in the Pyrénnées where some of the new primes elements had been discovered, they have brought us glory but also a Dark Lord's apparition & the current civil war.

941 words

Prime elements and magic

The elements that are the base of all matter & determine how an object will interact with magic: no interaction, weak to very good conduction, absorption, repulsion, & weird interaction. A quest to discover new elements & their application is ongoing.

1386 words

AmélieIS Progress so far

18694 words 186.94% completed!

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About me

  • I write Romantic Fantasy novels and worldbuild for them.
  • I'm French.
  • I have a PhD in Biomedical Sciences and a MSc in Chemical Engineering, and I work in biomedical research.
  •   Genres I write
    Romantic Fantasy, High Fantasy, Science Fantasy, Alternate History (especially 19th century France).   Profiles
    Tumblr: ameliedebruyne
    Discord: amelie_isabelle, my own discord
    BlueSky: amelie-debruyne
    Cara: amelieisabelle
    4theworlds: AmelieS  

    World ember 2024

    I'm working on The Magical University of Lille.  

    Main WIPs

    1) The Empire of the Covenant: Set in a huge federal empire ruled by powerful mages linked to the ancestral magic of their Lands. One Fantasy Romance short story written.
    2) The Magical University of Lille: Alternate 1850s France. Set in a university with lecturer characters.
    3) Portal to Sérannie: Portal Fantasy, going from France to a secondary world influenced by Roman culture and that is on the brink of a civil revolution.
    4) The Engineering Corps: Science Fantasy, Alternate 1845 France. Focus on the engineering corps of the French army during the French revolutionary wars.
    5) Rome and the Sasanians: Alternative 340s Roman Empire.
    6) Divine Tyranny: Set in world where gods are all-powerful, walk among mortals, and mess up with their lives.
    7) Soul Jars: Merchants-Mages steal the soul jars of the ancient Mages-Kings from their mausoleum and use their souls to power artificial bodies that are enslaved to their will.
    8) Dark Lord Seduction Plan: in a world where Light & Dark magic and political parties are on the break of war, set on the the Dark side.
    9) Challenges of Magical University Life: slice-of-life in a magical university.
    10) Victorian Evil Scientists: 19th century Europe, evil scientists work fun experiments in the service of a Dark Lord.
    11) Magical Maths: magic is practice through complex maths, making mathematician extremely prestigious. Also deals with disability and discrimination.
    12) The City of the Hundred Fiefs: each fief of the city is controlled by one powerful mage, and all are at war against each other. To thrive in limited areas peaople have built upwards.
    13) Imperial Soulmates: Sci-Fi Fantasy with magitech anchored in plants and fungi, with everyone having a few soulmates all over the world (people with identical magic).
    14) Metas: for WA events and list of challenge articles.   See my author world for more info about them or just click on their names.

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    Colonisation of the Lesser Field





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