While the islands are celebrating the dawning of the new year, ships gather at a remote island for the biggest annual gathering of Tideriders.
The dawning new year is celebrated in many different ways all across the Cluster Islands.
Nalla was a high-ranking member of the Dissolvers, inventor of the "hiding pill" that made their saboteurs invisible to the Wringers.
A look back at my first interview at the Eddy, with none other than the former Dancinglight herself.
The Castuvol mother ship White Wings is counted as the first Tiderider casualty of the inter-island conduit system.
The small-scale water tuning that Kezlaf and his Wringers once used to control the islands in the Unity is now a forbidden activity.
Aromafruit is a family of flowering trees that produce edible fruit known for their high juice content.
White middle-aged cis female aro-ace American...and very shy, especially online. Also ADHD and ASD, which isn't useful information as that describes a sizable percentage of World Anvil users, but at least provides context.
Cats. Knitting and crocheting. Procrastination. Languages--I'm learning Scottish Gaelic, with the goal of being proficent enough to write in it someday. (Will probably not happen.) I don't really watch TV or movies anymore. I don't have the mental bandwidth to engage in my hobbies and also do social media, so I've opted out of the media.
There are a few movies which if you told me you'd never seen them I would immediately invite you over for a pizza and movie night so that I could be there when you experience them for the first time.
Apollo 13 (based on true near-disaster space mission)
Blackbeard's Ghost (1960s Disney slapstick)
A League of Their Own (women playing professional baseball in the 1940s)
The DIsh (Australian comedy about the first moon landing, with brilliant characters)
In the interest of keeping my author profile to a reasonable length, I decline to answer this question. I can't even pin myself down to a genre because I don't care as long as the writing and characters draw me in. I blame it on the children's librarian I live with.
This is where too much of my time goes. I don't seek out new games anymore because when I play I play obsessively. (I've been running the same Animal Crossing town for nine years.) I have enjoyed far more games than I can name off the top of my head, but the subset I have cared enough to make spreadsheets (and sometimes fanfic) for is smaller: Animal Crossing New Leaf, Baldur's Gate 1 and 2 (not 3--never, no way, I don't dare), Earthbound, FFVII (also I-VI to a lesser extent), Fire Emblem (mostly Awakening, nothing more recent--again, I don't DARE), Pokémon (Blue, Crystal, Emerald, Pearl, Sun, Shuffle), Tales of Symphonia, Tales of the Abyss, Ultima 4 and 6, Wind Waker. Please do not suggest to me any games you think I would like. You are probably right, and the answer is NO.
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