Few things bring true joy to the people of Razhea Capita's Underworld. Duck fighting is one of them, where two or more birds are forced into a battle to the death.
A small old church that was once used to worship Farad, long since left empty. It was reclaimed and renovated into a pub that has become a local icon of good cheer and community building.
The Bay of Graves is a part of the Southern Ocean, located off the southern coast of the country of Dryst. It has a reputation of treacherous waters, of hidden rocks and unexpected shallows.
Few things bring true joy to the people of Razhea Capita's Underworld. Duck fighting is one of them, where two or more birds are forced into a battle to the death.
A small old church that was once used to worship Farad, long since left empty. It was reclaimed and renovated into a pub that has become a local icon of good cheer and community building.
The Bay of Graves is a part of the Southern Ocean, located off the southern coast of the country of Dryst. It has a reputation of treacherous waters, of hidden rocks and unexpected shallows.
**Rasskarth** is still spoken in hushed, reverent tones among the lizardfolk of **Zassil’torr (‘Torfen’ in Common)**. Once a mighty warlord and self-proclaimed **Lizard King**, his reign of terror **threatened the rise of human civilization in Verbobonc**
Palden has a group of human followers who worship her and hope to have access to ancient knowledge from early creation. These worshipers meet her regularly at a glade, found in the emerald forest.