There was no running water right now, Kidd making a promise to Killer for the world's most luxurious bath once this is all over, running the fingers of his right hand through her hair in attempt to brush it out. He was probably only making it worse, but they both needed this, this grounding soothing action. She made no attempt to stop him, still resting against his chest, her own hand warm over his heart, red nails tracing faint patterns against his skin. Soft touches were rare for the both of them these last weeks.
Depending on how the night goes, it might be the last they get for a while. The light creaking of the ship in the harbor's gentle waters sooth away the early daylight hours, their infiltration having gone unnoticed despite the messes left in the galley.
Messes they will be returning to shortly, mussed Kidd as he shifted, glancing at the soft dark red smear left on his own skin where blood has started to stain through the bandages across Killer's breast. She's still dozing against him, neither awake or asleep, and he's loathed to disturb her, but...
He sat up, not so much a kiss, but a firm press of lips to the top of her head as he does. She gave him an irritated little warble and tried to bury her face in his collar, hunching so the fur coat hid more of her face.
Kidd can do little more than smile contently down at her. Things are precarious right now, sounds stolen from her without her consent; but he has missed her mirth over the years. They once laughed together with such ease, years and oceans removed from here and today, and part of him has regretted being too slow too grow in time to beat down her bullies before she discarded that part of herself.
It took all his will power to bite back the 'cute' that comes to his own lips when she huffed a giggle at him, trying to hold fast to just a few more moments of quite and calm.
"What is it you love to tell me, /'Sun's up, get your ass up?'/"
Killer scoffed, tired blue eyes glaring up at him from a frame of fur and bangs. He grinned, and she rolled her eyes, but pushed herself up with a jaw popping yawn.
His coat slipped off her as she did, and as casually as he could, Kidd made sure it fell over the blood left staining his skin. She'd been so cagey about it last night, he didn't want Killer to start her day off an a sour note. She sat back, partly on her haunches, partly still cushioned on his thigh, rubbing sleep from her eyes and making a face at her own morning breath. "Did we find any water last night?"
He shook his head no with a frown. "We'll steal some when we snag some food."
At the mention of if, he can hear her stomach complain, when was the last she's eaten? It was more than just exhaustion weighing her down; it's likely been days at this point, no one bothered to feed either of them on the march back to Udon. They'd all known she was being taken to Queen for execution, why waste food on a soon to be corpse?
With his impromptu left arm in pieces on the floor, Kidd slid his right arm though the coat sleeve, making it look like he was planning on wearing it to keep it in place, and reached out to rest his hand on her knee. "You'll have to play tour guide, show me where the best food is on our way to jail break our crew."
There was a lift to her eyes, this smile was real, "I can think of a few places you'd enjoy" she said, leaning forward to kiss his brow, a particular cluster of freckles she'd taken a liking to a long time ago, usually hidden away by headband and goggles, before using him to push herself standing, climbing out of the tub with all the grace of a newborn calf as the days of rough sleeping made themselves known.
Kidd carefully turned away, making sure his snickers were nothing more then the clearing of his throat, refusing to met her glare.
"I'll be back" she said dryly to the back of his head, wandering off into what had once been his quarters, now just an empty sad little room. Kidd turned and watched her leave, let himself be distracted by her bare ass and legs for just a moment as she walked away, before turning back to the dried blood.
It wasn't too bad - certainly more than he'd have liked to see - but not so much a little spit and the end of his coat didn't wash off. There was a reason he commissioned red for his coats, and it was not to match his hair. Bleaching blood out of fur was a nightmare, where here the colours just vanished into the rest of the blood stains, no one else the wiser.
He was out of the tub, left arm assembled into something vaguely hand shaped, and pulling their meager supplies out, lamenting over how unnecessary 20 boxes of red polish was when it was half their total stock at the moment, when Killer returned. Everything let over from the galley was bundled in those awful Wano robes and soon they had every last thing left to their name set out on the bathroom floor between them.
Killer set to planning how to repurpose the fabric menstrual pads since they both already knew the kit's pressure pads wouldn't be enough. They still planned to use the kit's first, next to skin, soaked in iodine, since they'll be more sterile than the fabric.
The cuts looks worse today, no closer to closing up by themselves as yesterday, the edges red and puffy. Kidd swallowed down a lump in his throat when he prodded the area with a gloved finger; Killer doing her best to muffle her own pain, but he already knows this is easily going into problem territory.
They don't have many options unfortunately, and Kidd has wrapped her back up as tight as he dares. Once he's done, he hides the shaking of his own hands cleaning up the mess of supplies and empty wrappers, giving Killer a chance to center herself; ignoring the painful wheezing fwafwa as she breathes though the pain. They've used up all the iodine and gauze in the second kit; there's nothing left on the ship to wrap her a third time; they'll need to steal medical supplies of some kind on top of raiding the camps for their missing crew mates today. They desperately need something to stitch the wound closed.
He'd barely composed himself when he turned, his blood running cold when Killer pulled the kimono stained her own blood back on, struggling to hold it closed over the starburst cut across her heart. He nearly throws a conniption, hating how uncomfortable she looks in the get up; the way her hands shake as she goes to tie the robe closed again, the way she fumbles and has to undo it. He can see her mentally trying to remember how it goes, like he does the few times he's attempted a necktie.
"Stop stop stop," he growled, trying to take the garments away from her, only for her to growl right back.
"You are not leaving me behind, jackass," she hissed.
He looked at her like she's slapped him; the thought never having crossed his mind, "What? No! I mean, you not wearing that crap -"
"I'm not going naked!"
"No, wear mine," he said, shoving his own clothes at her, his vest and slacks at least, moving almost on impulse to give her /anything/ other than those haunting robes to wear.
He wasn't often able to stun Killer in to silence. Her face was blank and she was left blinking rapidly, trying to find the tracks Kidd's mental train of thoughts had taken.
"The fuck are you going to wear?" she settled on finally.
"My kilt."
She erupted into laughter at that, more manic than usual because of the fruit, but honest laughter, the kind saved for his particularly stupidest moments.
"I'm serious," Kidd got her to drop the robes, and held his slacks open for her to step into.
"You're going to stick out- "
"I was always going to stick out."
"Well, now we're both going to stick out."
"That has never stopped us before."
She 'tch'ed at him, but stepped into the pants. As wide as her hips were, Kidd's waist was thicker, and she had to hold them up as he worked one of the belts off his kilt for her to use.
His vest was just as awkward fitting, a bit too tight in the bust but otherwise formless as it hung down off her. A strange look crossed Kidd's face when he looked her over, tugging and adjusting the clothes so they hung off her better, small little adjustment like they needed to be presentable for something, instead of just off to commit some liberation and murder.
She could see his mind tumbling over something, but before she could ask him, Kidd knelt down to tie the pant legs up at her knees to keep her from tripping on them. With a gentleness usually reserved for the internal workings of his more delicate creations, he moved her left foot to brace against his own thigh, pulling the ribbon in the pant hem tight.
Killer couldn't breath for a moment, giggles pressing against her throat. Her racing thoughts told her this was hilarious, seeing a man like Kidd prostrating himself like this, but that didn't make sense, considering the tears steaming down her face.
His impromptu prosthetic cupped the back of her thigh to help her balance, head resting against her stomach as she fought her own maelstrom of conflicting emotions, choking down her laughter. Her sobs.
She felt so pathetic right now, so broken and useless. A liability at best. Yet someone as proud as Kidd would humble himself before her. She'd messed everything up so profoundly, she endangered his dream, so much she'd be little better than stung up like so many of those too weak for the New World before her'd been.
How was anyone going to take him seriously as Pirate King with a fool like herself in his court. She could only laugh at his ambition. What kind of partner was she?
Kidd exhaled, a breath held so deep his shoulders slumped when he did, and she rested a hand on his messed hair, held back only by some of the salvageable wrapping from which she'd be bound with last night. She struggled to pull her thoughts together, to find some middle ground between the hilarious and the profane. Banish both extremes from her mind and focus back on the task at hand.
"Please do not start to be weird about my feet or something," she worried at him when he didn't get back up again, hand resting on her calf.
"I.. I was going to have you wear my boots, but your feet are so fucking small."
She pulled her leg away, frowning at him, "I'll wear the geta, I've gotten decent enough at walking in them. What were you going to do, go barefoot?"
When he didn't immediately answer, she smacked him upside the head, "Dumbass. Put your boots on and stop being weird."
Her time spent as Kamazo had been well spent, Kidd came to find out. When Killer was allowed to slip her handlers to go assassinate whoever Orochi was cross with at any given the time, she took as long as she could possibly get away with, scouting and mapping out every part of Wano she could.
(eat something)
Killer knew where everyone was - had even known where even he was - in her time as Orochi's puppet, and had spent what sanity she'd had left pulling strings and trading favours to get their crew moved around and taken care of.
The indiscriminate killing had never been the hard part; she'd do it all over again for her crew without batting an eye. On the surface, it wasn't even the favours she'd done that bothered her, although they'd shaken her more than she'd admit. No, it was that her ability to compartmentalize and cope had been completely screwed once she'd eaten that fruit, and with how lost she'd been when Kidd had first found her, he knew the lucidly she had now was held in place by the barest of tethers.
She'd taken him to Wire first, their tallest commander spotting them before the guards did, and immediately turning on his captors. It seemed what Orochi had forgotten was the Kidd Pirates where only placid because they believed he held their captain's life in his hands. The sight of Kidd walking free meant all bets were off, shackles were thrown down, and Kidd walked out of there with not just some of his crew but a good number of forced-laborer locals there to help.
He was... not sure how to take that turn.
Wire got them weapons, and freeing Heat was next.
While Wire had been quick, efficient and clean in his killings, Heat took one look at his crew come to free him, and turned on Kaido's men with all the fury he'd been forcing down since they'd been subdued on their own turf. He'd been the last of the four standing against Kaido, and Apoo, the one to watch Hawkins take a knee as he himself was beaten down.
Wire had fallen first, taken out by Kaido before they'd understood they were under attack. Killer had been next, that bastard Apoo having moved like he'd watch her back, to uphold an alliance they'd just sworn to, only to step aside to let her take Kaido's club full force to the head. Heat had been frozen in place, uncomprehending as her helmet cracked and splintered in a single blow. Kidd had fallen next, blindsided by rage, even his fury no match for an emperor. Hawkins had knelt then, surrendered. Heat felt all eyes to him, both his enemies and crew alike, and had answered the only way he'd known how; he'd spit a fireball at the monster, and then knew no more.
Since waking up, he'd been with a few surviving crew mates, forced to work. He didn't know if Wire or Killer had survived, only being told Kidd lived. And would only continue to live only so long as they didn't cause Kaido's people any trouble. So against every fiber of his being, Heat had kept his mouth shut and head down. He'd tolerated their abuse, horded supplies and weapons, and waited. and waited. and waited.
And then a wild man stood at the gates, dressed only in boots and kilt and the red of fresh spilt blood. Heat did not freeze up this time. He was not even sorry to have left so few for his captain to get to fight.
Seeing Wire dressed in the same drab prison garb as himself was disheartening, but the blood splatter on them both livened it up pretty well. Heat then broke one of the biggest rules the crew had, and pulled Killer into a hug without warning. He'd not seen her face when her mask had broken, but the fact she was still bare broke his heart, and the only way to keep from staring was to put her out of his line of sight.
She gave an uncomfortable giggle, a sound so strange to him he didn't place it as her making the noise at first, as he cupped the back of her head in his hand. Solid bone, whole and unbroken, unlike his nightmares. Frighteningly more, was she allowed the embrace at all, only Kidd ever granted the privilege of being tactile because of the long history between the two. Her own hands warm against his back as she tucked in under his chin, returning the gesture.
In his panic, Heat looked to Kidd, demanding answers to what their vice-captain had been forced to endure. Kidd's face was carefully blank; Wire's pinching as he drew his own conclusions.
Kaido's men here had died too fast; Heat would be sure to make it last longer at the next camp, grinding his jaw as he rested his head against Killer's for a brief moment longer before pulling away. He kept his gaze lowered, frowning as he took in her getup.
"Boss Killer, you really do not have to indulge Captain's atrocious taste in patterns, you know." Although, she at least wore the shirt better than he did, even if it was poorly fitted for different reasons.
"You know a place I can get a good pair of jeans?" she asked dryly.
"All leather here I'm afraid. But," he nudged the wooden sandals she was balancing on, "that does include shoes. Lets find you something better?"
As the prisoners raided the supplies, trading out ragged linen for furs and leathers, and even if it wasn't quite their style, Heat and Wire made it work for them. Killer also got boots, but - with Kidd's blessing and don't think Heat didn't catch that look he gave her - stayed with the clothes she had. Kidd also passed on clothes, and admittedly, he looked fearsome enough as is, so it worked for him too.
"I do have one last thing," Heat admitted, as they made ready to leave to march on to the next camp. Some of the locals would go with them, but most had gone their own way already. As long as it caused chaos and a headache for what passed as authority on this island, Kidd didn't care either way.
Heat's camp had been mostly responsible for metal work, and that was both the ore being mined on the island, and the melting down the scrap from other projects. Or other ships.
He and the few crew mates that had been assigned here and been slowly salvaging little bits that they knew had been taken from the Punk. Enough for Kidd to build a respectable new prosthetic. For Wire to have a trident that would work for his taller frame. Older punishers that had been retired; not because they were broken but because Kidd and Killer had perfected a new design. Still perfectly functional, and between Kidd, the weapons on hand, and the camp's tools, new blades had been procured and affixed easily. The strange new smile that never seemed to waver on Killer's face seemed genuine the first time as the machine spun to life in her hand.
"Don't say thank you yet," Moai grinned, before hoisting up a wooden crate that had clearly been buried in the ground until recently.
Most of the crew had never heard Killer laugh before, something she'd stopped doing a world ago, long before they'd given up trying to kill each other instead of turning their ire to bigger targets. So it took them by surprise to hear her burst into both tears and cachinnations. Kidd's look to them was a clear and present warning not to react, as he took the helmet from the open crate in Moai's arms, who worriedly looked at him to make sure he'd not done something wrong.
Kidd loosened the latches on the spare helmet, before holding it up for Killer. Heat could see in his eyes he was furious about the situation, but was doing an admirable job in acting like nothing was amiss. Killer lowered her head to let him put it on, the Captain pausing only to ask, "Bangs?"
"Don't care right now," she laughed back, little mirth in her voice despite all. And despite the laughter and tears, the moment the metal was carefully latched back into place, her whole body eased just a bit, relaxing enough for all to see just how tense she'd been up to that point.
All told, they hit eight different labor camps that night, before all that was left was the most delicate extraction: getting the last members of their ranks from the pleasure district.
The locals show them where to sail to keep the Victoria Punk out of Kaido and Orochi's prying eyes. They told Captain Kidd to give them a few days before they can get the ship refitted with more of the day to day necessitates.
What they can do now is give them a ships worth of fishing nets and someone even finds her main sail, enough to maneuver her to safety. Temporary main top-gallant and Mizzen-mast have also been secured. The promise of food and hopefully enough pieces for Kidd to rebuild the water filter to come with the night's sun set.
For the time being, the crew are camped out in the lower deck, reworking the nets into new hammocks. Attacking the labour camps would take some time for word to get back to Kaido and his men. A similar approach on the pleasure houses would not work, would get all eyes on them before they were ready for such a confrontation. The plan was for them to sneak into the Flower Capitol to get the last of their people, but they can't do it running on fumes like they are. They will rest the daylight hours away, and start out at dusk.
Those of them that have been sailing with Kidd since the start know their way around mending nets; Killer practically lived on the docks before her and Kidd starting running together, and twenty years hadn't lost the muscle memory of knots and weaving as she worked.
She was second only to Wire - a man who's fibrecraft skills had kept them clothed and stylish for the last decade. The two are working back to back at the moment, deft hands having already finished four hammocks apiece.
When suddenly Wire froze, looking around the room in a panic.
Kidd noticed immediately and started looking around to see what the man had spotted, only for Heat to let out an soft, "oh...."
Kidd looked between the two in confusion, before Heat motioned him over. Killer had drifted off at some point, hand in mid knot, slumping back against Wire. Now the taller man was the only thing keeping her upright, her breath soft and steady from under the helmet.
Some of the other men had taken notice, chatting dying off and movement easing until the room was comfortably quiet. Jaggar took one of the finished hammocks and strung it up in Dive's usual place; top placement, in the middle of everything, yet out of everyone's way. Safest place in the room. Heat took one of the few blankets they had and lined the netting with in, knowing first hand the nightmare the coarse rope would do to one's hair.
Kidd lifted Killer up, the new prosthetic he'd assembled since they got back to the Punk taking her weight with ease. Disk J helped hold her hair out of the way when he settled her down, making sure it didn't pull or tangle, setting in the safety of the blanket Heat had put down, before going back to his own work.
"Is it safe for her to sleep in the helmet?" Compo worried, looking over but carefully keeping their line of sight under the hammock level. Kidd did not like that they had a point, looking down at his partner.
"Nobody's gonna go peeping." Gig assured him, "We wouldn't think of disrespecting Boss Killer like that."
The men turned back to their own work, giving Captain and First Mate their privacy, even in the middle of the room. Didn't judge either as Kidd fussed over the netting and the blankets before removing the metal shielding. Kidd tucked her helmet in her arms, frowning as his right hand brushed her forehead when he smoothed down her bangs. She was warmer than he'd like, and he pulled the edge of his shirt down to check her bandages. He needed to get her stitched up properly still, the skin red and splotchy where he could see. They didn't have clean supplies to re wrap her; if infection was setting in then they were in trouble.