Vantra expected an early rise and a rush out the Dark Light’s door, but no. The mini-Joyful lazed around, talking and laughing, ghosts absorbing mist from misters on the counter while the nomads and Fyrij ate at the table smooshed against the bar, until Katta and Red pulled themselves down the stairs, sleepy vulfs in tow. The relaxed attitude astounded her, considering the events of the day before.
Her mind whirled, attempting to piece the sparse information she had together, and her concern exploded into bloated worry after Red showered her with questions as they walked back to the tavern. His musings and prying cast an ominous pall over her, and she suspected he knew more about the Touch than he expressed. She opened her mouth multiple times to inquire about it, but could not force the words.
She disliked returning to the tavern because she felt they could do more than that. What that more was, she had no idea.
“Lorgan already left to delve into Chisterdelle’s maps,” Kjaelle said, swiveling her barstool seat and tapping her mister tip at the two ancient ghosts. “And Leeyal said Joila’s going to be our guide. We’re to meet her in Dei of Day’s Square.”
Red’s soft, sentimental expression and the warmth it carried told Vantra the woman was much beloved.
Katta’s eyes skimmed over them, and he nodded. “Good. We’re all here.”
“I still don’t understand why you think I can help,” Laken grumbled around the tip held between his teeth. His shock at Leeyal’s suggestion that he absorb mist from a mister like everyone else made Vantra wonder again how often Finders neglected him on previous Redemption attempts. She supposed he should get used to the surprises; the mini-Joyful and those they knew did not care whether he was only a head and torso yet, they treated him like any other ghost. Hiding in a room was not an option.
“Or why you think we’ll notice anything,” Tagra said, motioning with his fork to the other nomads who sat at the table smooshed against the bar. They just finished their noon meal, and Vantra had to bury her jealousy, that they ate seasoned noodles and vegetables with fish so black with pepper that the seared flesh was invisible. She was stuck with a mister and while the infused taste of bread was nice, it was not pepper fish and noodles nice. “We’re not vi-van or spiritesti.”
“Who’s to say, you won’t see something we miss?” the Darkness acolyte asked as he joined them at the table. “Different life experiences bring different views, and something you find odd that we don’t may well prove useful.” He slumped down in his chair, then ruffled Salan’s fur as the vulf pushed his nose into his chest. “That’s why I asked Dough and his mates to visit West Sel. Their perceptions will be as important.”
Leeyal chuckled. “Don’t underestimate Dough’s ability to gather information,” he said as he slid tall glasses with foamy amber beer across the bar to Red. “The Merdia pirates are a favorite in certain establishments. They entertain in an overblown but non-destructive way and spend D coins like it’s their last moment before Final Death. People like them, so they’ll talk to them about things they may not share with others.”
Red glanced at the scattering of patrons, then leaned over the counter. “And what about you, the Light-blessed?” he asked in a soft voice. “What have you noticed?”
“Hmm. A lot, or maybe not enough. The description Jare gave of that second Touch, I think I’ve felt it at random times over the last several years. I’m not certain how long I’ve been sensing it; you know how days blur into one another for ghosts, and how sometimes what happened a millennium ago can seem like you experienced it yesterday. But I recall noticing it around the times Hrivasine fiddles with the barrier. His adjustments can send ripples through the ambient rainforest ryiam, and once the whizen realize he’s disrupted their energy containment units again, however unintentional, they go public to get him to stop. He’s never happy about it, but because everything in the Evenacht relies on ryiam for survival, and messing with it can give him a headache from both the living and the dead, he backs off for a while before another tamper session.”
Red huffed an exasperated breath through his teeth. “That barrier,” he grumbled as he gave one glass to Katta before leaning back on the counter with his elbows and sipping from the other.
“Selasert wouldn’t exist without it,” Leeyal reminded him.
“Selaserat would exist, just not in its current form,” he denied. “Breaking the first barrier proved that. You have more of the fish, right?”
The tavern owner smacked his arm, amused. “How poor a host would I be, if I didn’t serve your favored foods while visiting?”
“Elfine leafcakes,” the twins said in chorus. Red burst out laughing at Leeyal’s grumpy glare and turned to eye Vantra. “We’re going to work on eating,” he told her. “The sooner you can enjoy elfine leafcakes, the better. And what about you, Laken?”
“Me?” he asked, flabbergasted, the tip falling from his mouth. “How can I possibly eat?”
“Since you’re stuck in Physical Touch until your Recollection, it’ll be easier for you to learn. You’ll be surprised, at how your essence retains the remembrance of what it’s like to consume food. And there’s no reason why you can’t enjoy pepper fish and elfine leafcakes like the rest of us.”
“Just don’t drink anything from Reci,” Tally advised. “Unless you want to puke green into next semma.”
“But you need to use Mental Touch to eat,” Laken protested. “I’m Condemned. That’s forbidden.”
“You can—and do—use Mental Touch, it’s just not obvious because it’s instinctual.” Red kicked a chair out from the table and flopped down. “True, you can’t perform grand spells, but you can exploit the Physical and Mental Touch needed to keep your head and torso extant in this place called the Evenacht. Lorgan’s paving the way, with the study materials he gave you. All we need to do is find your arm essence so Vantra can re-attach it and then you can raise a glass with us. Simple, see?”
Laken looked lost, and Vantra did not blame him. The mini-Joyful Caravan had a habit of turning firm convictions and knowledge upside down, and she imagined that he, just like she, never truly understood himself as a ghost before meeting them. She picked up the hose and raised her eyebrows at him; he nodded, and she placed the tip back in his mouth. He needed the energy for the day ahead.