Grandmaster Piggie4299
Jacqueline Taylor

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In the world of Aer

Visit Aer

Completed 460 Words


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“Kali, it is time.”

The Queen pointed to the shadow of the great tree towering over the gathered crowd. A pulsing form of black drifted through the crowd towards the tree’s shadow. I was unable to make out its form, except its glowing silver eyes seemed to be oozing. It spread out over the ground. Its eyes grew larger, engulfing its form until it was a puddle of shimmering silver. The crowd around me began to hum. The earth vibrated with their sound.

“The Fold is complete and the door is open,” the puddle bubbled with the words.

“My people, we must leave this world for now.”

The Queen stepped forward and into the silver pool. It rose up and spun itself around her, engulfing her. Then the puddle fell back to the ground and the Queen was gone. One at a time, I watched them go. Each was seemingly devoured by the silver.

Gytha appeared next to me, Angerona perched on her shoulder.


I wasn’t sure what to say. I still didn’t really like Gytha much and I really didn’t like her spider, but I didn’t hate them anymore either. I was sad to see them leaving.

“We need your help.”

She scowled and patted Angerona’s bulbous abdomen.

“What can I do?”

“There is an army approaching. We need you to stall them. Give us time to get all our people into the Fold.”

“How much time do you need?”

“Two days. The rest of us are coming from other groves. They should all be here in two nights.”

I nodded.

“We are grateful, Human. When your grandchildren are old, I will remember you.”

Gytha bowed to me and then joined the line with the others. 

Dipak scurried up to my side and took my hand. I gave it a little squeeze.

“I’m afraid.”

His voice was very quiet. I knelt down and laid my hands on his small shoulders.

“You must be brave.”

I hugged him close.

“Trust your Queen.”

He nodded against my shoulder and sniffled. I let him go and stood up. He ran off with his usual flurry of lights and I smiled.

Indra stepped up in front of me. He touched my cheek and gave me an empty smile. I returned one just as fake. I embraced him. A fine mist sprayed from him and dampened me. I smiled, this time it was real.

“I will miss you, my friend,” he whispered.

I pulled back and looked at him. I nodded, unsure what to say. I was surprised to find myself crying. He leaned forward and kissed me gently on the mouth. Then he was gone, lost in the crowd. I touched my finger tips to my lips and whispered a good bye.

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