Magical Writing

While the saurians' ancient script is the root of all arcane knowledge, it is not (as is commonly assumed) magical writing. True magical writing is a random construct produced by magical research—not the spell caster—and is not a script one can learn to read or write. As a result, magical writing appears different for each caster; even the same spell written by two different casters will appear differently when inscribed.   Appearance: Magical writing appears as variously curved and angled sigils that writhe, spin, and morph across the surface upon which it is scribed. The shifting script is impossible to translate—even by an arcane spell caster—without the aid of the read magic spell.   Recognition: A caster can read their own arcane script automatically.   Viewing: Magical writing's moving script can have a hypnotic effect on the viewer. There is a 1/6 chance that even a brief perusal within 5' fascinates the viewer so that they can focus on nothing else for 1d4 rounds. The effect may be dispelled by physically diverting the viewer's gaze for a full round or inflicting at least 1hp of damage on the beguiled. Arcane spell casters are immune to this effect.  

Spell Scrolls

All arcane spell scrolls employ magical writing. When a scroll is discovered, the presence of writing script will confirm that it contains arcane spells, though only read magic can reveal which ones.


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