The Hunt for the Hunters

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"Zeb, I don't understand why you're bringing me along, you're the one the Jaunari wanted to see."

Zeb swallowed the mouthful of fruit he was chewing on before he replied, "Yes, but you're the one who's been keeping the record and you know how your notes are organized. Having you with me is faster than digging through your journal myself."

The steward who had summoned them spoke from in front of them both, "I only allowed it due to yours being the first stricken incident reported."

Zeb and Tecovis rode at a gallop past the Gate checkpoint just behind the steward who had summoned them to the Gotorlekua. Seeing the Jaunari's standard flapping from the back of the steward's horse, every citizen and refugee cleared the way out of their path.

Feeling underdressed in his gambeson, Tecovis asked, "Hey, steward, shouldn't we get our armor before we get there?"

"The Jaunari made it clear to bring the Lieutenant immediately and he's upset enough as it is. We'll send someone to fetch it from the garrison when we arrive and you can put it on if he makes a fuss, though he's normally understanding when it comes to... sudden invitations."

Chewing on another bite of his fruit, Zeb said, "He must have been furious if he sent you personally."

"I haven't seen him like this since The Stricken Raids, Lieutenant. "

Zeb immediately cringed, though he quickly buried it in stoicism when Tecovis caught a glimpse.

"Don't worry, it won't be directed at you. Though Buruzagi Jormund... If you like him at all, pray for him now."

Zeb tossed the core of his fruit to a passing patrolman, "Find a compost pile, please and thank you," shortly before they cleared the last building between them and the inner gate. 

Teceovis hadn't been beyond this gate a single time before becoming a guardsman, even the House of Nobles was outside of it. The entire inner wall belonged to the Gotorlekua a veritable fortress in the southeast corner of the city, and only those chosen were allowed beyond it. Today, that meant Zebulon and Tecovis.

While the mountains surrounding Erith dwarfed it in size, the Gotorlekua was the largest building Tecovis had ever seen, standing at five floors tall and incredibly wide. The grounds leading up to it had many hedge rows growing in interesting patterns. Something about them seemed strange at first glance. Tecovis looked closely at them and noticed that they had a bronze bar fence in their core. He then realized that, despite their beauty, they were being strategicly grown to operate as defensive emplacements, which struck him with childlike wonder.

The steward heard Tecovis's gasps of amazement and said, "they were planted after the Stricken raids, the Jaunari insisted the yard be defensively functional and his wife insisted it be beautiful to replace what was lost. I believe we found a good balance.

Zebulon and Tecovis both agreed.

At the main door of the building, which stood twice as tall as Tecovis, the three of them dismounted and handed off their reins to the attendants. Two guardsmen that Tecovis didn't recognize from the garrison pushed the double double doors open for them as the steward stepped inside the grand hall with long quick strides. Out of habit, Tecovis fell into lock step with him from three paces behind and Zeb did the same. Their unified footsteps bounced off the smooth floors and walls in a vain attempt to disrupt their flow. Distant shouting could be heard.

The steward sighed. "Buruzagi Jormund must have arrived. Be on your best behavior, and do not speak unless spoken to. When you arrive you shall salute him as is your standard, and when I announce your names, you shall kneel to him. Then, you shall bow your head and be silent until he bid you rise. When you speak to him, you shall look him directly in the eye."

"Yes, sir."

Tecovis looked at Zeb to see him checking his teeth with his tongue. Zeb looked back with a subtle hint of worry.

The shouting grew louder as they weaved through the halls, and Tecovis could recognoze both the fearful voice of Buruzagi Jormund Skov, and the voice of Commander Furin. Drawing closer to to the grand chamber, the door of which was open when they arrived, the steward led both guardsmen up to the steps before the throne. He came to a stop on the first step, and both guardsmen stood at attention two paces away from it. In unison they both saluted the Jaunari, whose gaze burned with authority into the new arrivals as he sat on his throne in a deceptively casual display.

"Lieutenant Zebulon Thord, as requested Jaunari, as well as his investigative assistant Lowguard Tecovis Shavar."

Both men followed the steward's procedure as instructed.

"Finally," the Jaunari said, "The Commander tells me you're the ones who filed these reports I've heard oh so much about. Rise Lieutenant."

Zeb stood up next to Tecovis.

"Yes Jaunari."

"Commander Phurin also told me you joined during The Stricken Raids."

"Yes Jaunari, my family owns property outside the city even to this day."

"As good a reason as any I've heard. He also speaks of your enthusiasm towards the stricken today. What changed?"

"My grandfather, may he rest with The Maker, taught me that every man makes his own mistakes and that I should not judge another man except by his own actions. My Mother and my older sister taught me that mercy should be a freely given gift. I apply these lessons to my work, Jaunari, and I do so for all I encounter."

"Would you show mercy to the monsters that plague our city Lieutenant?"

"Mercy and justice, in my experience Jaunari, are not mutually exclusive. And sometimes, the greatest mercy is to enact justice. The poachers responsible for my reports will not escape the mercy of swiftly applied justice, for their victims are many and they must be punished."

"Victims such as the men we lost in the square?"

"Them and many more since, Jaunari."

The Jaunari shifted on his Throne, resting his elbows onto his knees. 

"Tell me of your investigations Lieutenant. "

"B-but Jaunari, I've already shared the details of his rep-"


The Buruzagi cowered at The Jaunari's outburst, and Tecovis breath caught in his chest.

"Considering your failure to tell me we had stricken enhanced by MAKER KNOWS WHAT in our city, you've proven to be unreliable! I would hear HIS words. Apologies Lieutenant, please continue."

"Yes Jaunari. My earliest encounter with these Empowered ukitu was approximately a week ago, though Intel received by a foreign consultant who's been aiding me in my investigations suggests they may have been here for a few months."


"Yes Jaunari. I've been looking into missing persons from among the refugees, and many date back some time. I had a hunch that a connection was present, but I will admit when I first heard such a suggestion, I was shocked as well...."

Zeb shared details from many of the cases, emphasizing the tragedy of the losses, and Tecovis was questioned on the investigations he was directly overseeing. Both of them spoke highly of Djurle as a foreign consultant in their talks, though they refrained from telling the Jaunari about his abilities. After the Jaunari was satisfied, the conversation shifted to speculation.

"....We believe that these poachers are using the river for transportation as many incidents happen along the banks, and many others leave trails to it."

Commander Phurin, who looked as if he hadn't slept since Tecovis turned in his report of the town square incident, growled, "The Stricken camp is right next to the river Jaunari, and I think the Empowered are hiding among them. Sympathizers could easily shelter them, they don't look any different from the rest, and with how few of these incidents happen in the camp itself-"

Zeb interjected, "They don't happen in the camp because there's too many witnesses, not because of sympathy. The poachers don't want to be found."

"If they don't want to be found, why do they keep attacking our guards? We've had three encounters with them, two of which you were there for!"

"I don't know why Commander, we're still tracking them down!"

"You're taking too long! Jaunari, I'm hereby requesting permission to have the entirety of the garrisons sweep through the stricken camps."







The Jaunari's shout caused everyone to freeze.

Tecovis thought he knew hate, but the way Commander Phurin's face warped told him that there was more to it than he imagined. He truly loathed the ukitu. 

What in the pit did they do to him during the raids?


Maybe more than he let's on...

The Jaunari stood up and stared down both Zeb and Commander Phurin In turn.

"The Lieutenant is correct Commander, it is a step that should not be taken lightly. However you are also correct. These attacks can't continue. Go home and sleep, we can discuss real options when you're rested tomorrow. "


"Don't make him ask again Commander," said the steward as he stepped to Phurin's side. Phurin looked at him, seething with rage. After a moment more of consideration, the commander saluted to the Jaunari and he was escorted out of the building.

The Jaunari sat down and leaned back again into his throne in silence. His eyes wandered cross the room. Tecovis resisted the urge to follow his gaze.


"Yes Jaunari?"

"Tell your foreign friend that his services are no longer required, I'm seeing to this personally from now on. Lowguard, when my steward returns, give him the notes of your investigations."

Tecovis looked to Zeb. Zeb looked back heavily and nodded with a hint of defeat. Tecovis didn't know how to feel.

So that's it? Just like that it's over...? All that work...

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