Fork in the road

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Zeb and Tecovis, now fully armored, made their way outside of the city gate. Tecovis chewed on the inside of his cheek, hoping to no avail that Zeb would break the silence. When he could stand it no longer, he said, "Zeb... He's gonna-"

"I know. There's nothing we can do, so dwelling on it is useless."

"But what about all of the ukitu we promised to help? How are we going to get their families back?"

"I just said we can no longer do anything Teco, were you not listening?"

"We can't just abandon them to Phurin and-!"


Zeb's words hung in the air like a soiled undergarment. He gave a shaken sigh and his head dropped to his chest.

"We don't have a choice..."

Zeb pinched the bridge of his nose. And the tip of his beard spun in small circles as he gnashed his teeth.

They continued to ride to the river checkpoint without another word spoken. When Djurle wasn't there, Tecovis looked to the sun to see it was approximately the fifth hour. He then asked, "Shouldn't he be here already?"

Zeb also said, confused, "He normally is."

"Do you think he went home because we were late?"

"More likely he woke up sore from the fight and stayed put. Let's check his hut."

"Did you say 'hut'?"

"I don't know what else to call it Teco, I've never seen someone camp out of a rock."

Zeb took Tecovis over to Djurle's campsite where a strangely house shaped rock stood, covered in playing ukitu children.

This wasn't always here, was it?

Zeb put on his warm smile and cleared his throat. "Excuse me, children?"

Most of the children stopped what they were doing and turned to face the two guardsmen, while the younger ones retreated at the sound of his strange voice. Some behind other children. Others behind the rock out of sight.

"My name is Zebulon, I'm looking for the magician who lives here. Have any of you seen him?"

One of the children, a gurnian boy with bluish scales, spoke up, "I did! He left about... an..." The boy did a quick measure of the sun, "an hour ago, yeah."

"Did you see which way he went?"

"He went to the river. He was running really fast when he came to get his horse, yeah."

Tecovis nudged Sandalwood that direction and Zeb gave a courteous nod to the children before following. "Thank you, may The Maker grant you fortune."

They made their way through the tents at a trot, occasionally asking other refugees about Djurle who all said the same thing as the boy. When they got to the river, they heard a horse approaching from the north. They looked and saw Djurle riding towards them at a canter, his dappled grey horse clearly tired from whatever ride they'd just been on.

Zebulon started to say, "Where have you b-"

Djurle interrupted with a wave of his hand, "No time. I know where their base is, we need to get who we can get and go. They're packing to leave."

Tecovis eyes fluttered as he tried to process the information. "Hold on, what? How? They're leaving?" 

Zeb's confusion was just as apparent to Tecovis. 


"Hold on Tecovis!"

"Zeb, we gotta get everyone on this."

"He's right Lieutenant. The tip I was given says some of them have left already, and I can only guess how long the six who are still there will stay."

Zeb's eyes darted back and forth in his head as he sat in silence. 

Tecovis said, "I know what you're thinking Zeb, these people are more important than protocol and you know it."

"What kind of musker*%&@ protocol would keep you from saving the lost ukitu?"

"The Jaunari just pulled us off the investigations to do it himself. Zeb, we have new information that's time sensitive, we don't have time to tell him. We need to get our men and we need them now while they're panicking. We've beaten them before. We can take them."

Zeb's lips twisted and his jaw clenched. After a moment of thinking, he finally locked eyes with Tecovis.

"...Djurle. Wait for us at the checkpoint, we'll head to the garrison and see who we can gather. Someone will be sent to inform the Jaunari."

He turned his head to the Spirit of Earth

"What do we tell the messenger?

"West side of the river Lieutenant, a mile and a half west of the lightning struck tree north of our battle site. The idiots are hiding in a cave, the mouth of which is covered by an oakSee3. They'll be able to see it once they clear a hill."

"Understood. Tecovis?"


"Let's bring home these refugees."

Zeb and Tecovis wheeled around and goaded their horses, pushing them to a gallop every chance they got.

"Clear the way!"

"Move it people!"

"This is time sensitive, MOVE!"

They blew past the river and gate checkpoints, past the market stalls, through the half-frozen town square and leapt off their horses as they arrived at the garrison. 

Every guard in the room drew their blade as they sprinted through the doors, the bronze  handles clacking as they bounced off the stone wall. Zeb said, "I'll get Commander Lions, you hit the armory for anyone there!"

"Yes, sir!"

Corporal Heik lowered his sword from behind his desk, asking "What's going on?"

"Come with me, I'll explain on the way!" Tecovis booked it towards the armory, Corporal Heik in tow. When they got to the armory door, Heik ran past to inform the officers who were present, while Tecovis threw the door open with enough force to shake the weapon racks.

Both Charm and Brave squads were inside, partially armored, and jumped into defensive stances at the noise. Tecovis explained himself and both squads immediately went to finish getting ready. Even with bruised bodies, their hearts were ready to end this. Tecovis made sure to grab one of the brand new full bronze shields for himself before running out to the courtyard and being briefly starstruck at the massive pillar of ice that loomed near the obstacle course, near which Zeb turned away from a swiftly moving Commander Lions. 

"What'd he say?" Tecovis asked, doing his best to ignore the slanted tower.

"Take who we can and go without them. If things go sideways, our job is to stall until backup arrives. Who's on hand?"

"Brave and Charmsquads, they're putting on their boots as we speak."

"That's it?"

"There's some officers here on lunch, Hiek is getting them. Everyone else is on medical leave, or Captain Shree's manhunt."

"I doubt the officers will be ready quickly, they'll go with Lions. Two squads will have to do."

Tecovis and Zebulon met outside the garrison with the two ready squads, all of whom were equipped in full armor and solid bronze shields as opposed to the wooden standard.

Mounted up and ready to go, they went full send out of the city. Along the way they heard the garrison horns sound, alerting all nearby patrols to return at once. Tecovis had always wanted to hear those horns play, though the circumstances made him realize why Zeb hated them.

They arrived at the riverbed checkpoint to see Djurle at the ready.

Djurle's brow furrorwed. "Anyone else coming?"

"We're the vanguard today," Ezkutu said as she cracked her neck.

Djurle looked over the men and smiled grimly, "At least you all know what you're up against. Let's not keep these people waiting. Hyah!" Djurle whipped his horse around and led the guardsmen up the river, making a temporary bridge of dirt to cross over at one of the thinner points and breaking it to prevent flooding once everyone was on the west side. They continued to follow Djurle as he passed the lightning struck tree and crossed the plains west of it.

As they drew closer to the poacher hideout, Djurle began to speak, saying, "Alright listen up. You're all aware of what you're getting into with the Klovenites and the Lumanites. They'll know we're coming once we get close enough so be prepared for a fight. Did your men ever find that Grixovite?"

Zeb replied, "No. In fact, she attacked our garrison last night while were dealing with the Klovenites on my property."

Djurle muttered inaudible curses to himself. Tecovis secretly hoped that the Grixovite was still in the city.

They passed over a hill and almost a quarter mile ahead they could see an oak standing solitary in the field.

"There it is, the entrance."

With a flick of his wrist, Djurle ripped the ground that the tree was attached to clean out of the earth and Tecovis watched as he made it sail through the air far away from where it had been. They dismounted at the entrance, and Djurle took off his boots.

"Do you sense anyone?" Ezkutu asked.

"Not a soul."

"We missed them!?"

"No. Stay on your guard, they're hiding."

"I thought you could-"

"Only through earth. There's a massive plant growth inside that wasn't there before.

They drew their swords and raised their shields as they went inside. Djurle pointed out any exposed roots and the guardsmen all did their best to avoid them, eventually coming to a split in the hallway, lit by a single torch.

"Which way, Djurle?"

Djurle stood for a moment, tapping his foot. After the pause, his fingers flexed and the ground between them all sunk in to reveal a map, similar in form to the one he'd made of the maze a week prior. It went into great detail on "This is the way to their prison and what feels like some kind of storage room, not accounting for height differential. Fusil is to the right, no doubt it's a trap. You all go clear the cells, I'm going to-"

Ezkutu interrupted, "I'm not letting you go alone. That monster killed our friend, we're taking him in or taking him down with you."

"We're in a cave, I can handle myself. All of you will be stupidly outmatched."

"So will you! We're going with you, and at this point it's not a request."

The Lieutenant looked at Tecovis and then back to Djurle.

"If they're set up for you, Djurle, it would be best to have someone who can have your back, cave or not. I'll take Brave squad to clear those cells you mentioned. We'll catch up once we know they're secure.


Rox shushed him and waved his hand down the hallway. "The longer you wait, the more time they can prep. Go!"

Djurle growled, "Fine. Charm squad, with me.

Before they could take two steps, Djurle said,  "Wait!"

He walked up to Zeb and pulled a small leather pouch from his vest.

"Hold out your hand."

A bit confused, he did. Djurle untied the pouch and turned it over Zeb's gloved palm, giving it a gentle shake until a sliver of crystal fell into view. In the torch light it was barely visible, but it had a small maroon twinkle to it. A miniscule piece of emenite.

"Don't let that touch sweat, or ash. In a dire emergency, eat it, a piece that size should halve your reaction time and triple your physical strength. I repeat. Dire. Emergency. It'll take five years off your life the second it hits your stomach."

Zebulon nodded and cautiously stored the sliver in a handkerchief on his belt.

Tecovis and Brave squad watched as the other half of the group went down the hall, one of the members of Charm squad using the wall torch to light their own.

Zeb turned down the other hall. "Alright men, don't forget Djurle's warning, watch the floors."

"Yes Lieutenant."

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