Book 1 - The Spirit of Fire Forward

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This WIP story is undergoing revision, and what you see here today may not be present in the final product. 

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To those who helped me learn to write and gave me ideas both day and night.

I thank you for your good support and wish you all a good report.

May all who see this be blessed with love, truth, and peace. 


To the impossible. You aren't too far gone. May all who see this know who they are.


To the One. I love you. May YOU KNOW that I do this for YOU.

How the Part System Works

Hello! My name is Kozar, and welcome to Part One of Five of The Spirit of Fire series! I am so thankful that you've chosen to participate with me in telling this story, and I hope you enjoy reading it as much as, if not more than, I enjoyed writing it. 

Most book series are simple, they progress in a singular, linear story that progresses from start to finish with no input from the reader. This is the standard, the default, the way you've always read your books. The Spirit of Fire has elected to take a slightly more... modular approach.

Inspired by video game RPG's, this series will give you the ability to influence the story at key Junctions, known as Catalyst moments (you'll see why when you get there). At this Catalyst moment, you will be presented with the ability to choose your ending. 

From this ending, you will then be shown which version of the next part to look for so you can continue the story you chose for yourself. If you aren't a fan of video games, you can think of it like a "What if" story. (Who says the author can't write their own?)

Every variant from parts two through five will tell parallel stories. Without spoiling, you may also discover information in one variant which was hidden in another, if for no other reason than to entertain the Easter egg hunters. 

This isn't like your typical 'choose your own adventure' novel with 100 pages and six pages worth of shallow content, throwing you back and forth throughout the book just to tell you 'there was a murderer behind the garbage can, you are dead, try again'. This is a longform story with character arcs, action, drama, and (hopefully) a satisfying amount of content in a single path for anyone who only wants to go through the story once.

So whether you plan to only read one path, or all fifteen books, I hope you enjoy it wholly and completely!

Now, without further delay... I, Kozar Taven, am pleased to present to you...



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