The Proving Duels

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Tecovis came rushing into the dusty courtyard of the training grounds from the east door, his newly donned lamellar clanking as he ran.


Tecovis winced, skid to a stop, pivoted, and stood at attention. The large heavily armored Commander Riff Phurin walked powerfully towards him, his chipped tooth on display through his snarl.

“Recruit Tecovis, why are YOU late to training!?”

“Sir, there was an incident in the town square, I had to file a report, sir!”

“And why did YOU have to file the report, soldier!?”

“Sir, I was the only one to respond during the incident, as I stated in my report, sir!”

“And why was it that YOU were the only one to respond to this incident, soldier!?”

“Sir, because the guards at the fountain station were nowhere to be seen, as I stated in my report, sir!”

At this, the commander broke his blazing gaze off of Tecovis and glared at the north of the courtyard.


After three seconds, a guardsman came rushing out of the door and stood before the commander.

“Yes sir?”

“Corporal Heik, recruit Tecovis has just filed an incident report. I want it in my hands yesterday!”

“Yes sir!”

Corporal Heik ran off to get the report as the Commander turned back to Tecovis.

“As for you recruit Tecovis, for your tardiness I want you to run laps around this building AT FULL SPEED AND IN FULL UNIFORM until I finish reading your report!”

“Sir, yes sir!”

“If I, or anyone I send, catches you slacking you will be responsible for cleaning the outhouses every day for the remainder of the month!

“Sir, yes sir!”

“Stop gawking and MOVE RECRUIT!”

“Sir, yes sir!”

And Tecovis turned around and ran out the north door, through the main foyer. As he passed the front desk, he shouted “Be quick Heik, my legs are counting on you!”

For over an hour Tecovis ran without stopping. Legs pulsing from running, shoulders aching from the bag he was unable to drop, lungs burning from lack of air. Even with all the previous endurance training, it was all he could do to not collapse when the order to stop finally came. Corporal Heik came outside, waving Tecovis down. He tossed him a fresh skin of water. “Walk a lap to cool down and meet Commander Lions at the dummies.” 

“Commander Lions? *huff* I thought *huff* Riff was *huff* in charge of *huff* twelfth today?”

“Commander Phurin is going to investigate the missing town square guards himself.”

“I don't have enough *huff* energy to feel *huff* bad for them right now.”

“Don't worry, I'll feel bad for them on your behalf.”

“Gee, thanks. *hooo*”

Tecovis took his cool down lap. On the final stretch, he passed by a furious-looking Commander Phurin and ten fully armored guards wielding spears, no doubt making their way down to the fountain.

He then made his way to the training yard and to the dummies where Commander Lions, a broad Shouldered, regal man, stood watching recruits practicing their sword forms. His dark blond hair was center parted, his wavy locks mostly covering his graying sideburns, and his boots were spattered with drying mud from the obstacle course. Commander Lions’ piercing blue eyes made contact with Tecovis as he heard him arrive. 

“Afternoon recruit. I heard about your little escapade.”

“I imagine you did sir, along with everyone else in the building.”

Commander Lions chuckled.

“Phurin does have the lungs for it, so it wouldn't surprise me if they did. Get stretched recruit, I know that run wasn't easy. We'll be reviewing basic sword forms before the duels.”

“Yes sir.”

Tecovis dropped his bag against one of the walls and began his pre-workout stretches.

“As they say, when you master the basics, you're basically a master.”

“Yes sir.”

Ten minutes of stretching later, Tecovis was also on the dummies practicing right handed forms, left handed forms, and dual handed forms. From there his group cycled to duels.

At the dueling arena, He met up with his team, Brave Squad. Tecovis led the Brave squad of twelfth platoon through this year's set of classes. He was the oldest at age 23. Over the course of the year's training, he'd gotten to know all three of his squadmates rather well. Together, they were a well oiled machine.

Silnor “Slide” Cavitain came up to Tecovis during the transition period. He was younger than Tecovis by a few years at age 20, however they had a similar build to each other. Wide shoulders, well defined arms, and a solid core. As he bumped shoulders with the stiff legged Tecovis, he said,  “Hey Bossman, I heard about your run.”

“Ugh, don’t remind me of it. Just walking hurts.”

“I’ll bet. I’ll also bet I’m about to kick your butt in the proving duels.”

Tecovis smiled. “I may be at a disadvantage today Slide, but if there’s one thing I will never allow, it’s you beating me in a fair fight.”

Slide smiled back at him mischievously, grabbing Tecovis's shoulder as he did. “Oh yeah? Mr. Silver Spoon thinks he can keep up on gravy legs?”

Knocking Slide’s hand away, Tecovis stared him down with grit in his eyes. “I’ve fought toddlers with more gumption than you. Rox I might have trouble with, but you? Piece of cake”

“Ooohooho we’ll just have to see about that now won’t we?”

A voice came from behind them. “Fellas, fellas, get a room if you’re gonna start making out.” Rox Foncree came trotting up carrying an extra set of weapons and shields. Rox was 22. While wearing his armor he looked rather heavy set, however he was nothing but pure muscle.

Tecovis rolled his eyes and continued walking while Slide crossed his arms in defiance at the remark “Hey, screw you. I'll take you both on and I'll win.

Rox laughed as Tecovis replied, “Yeah right Slide, save the bravado for the ring.” 

Still chuckling, Rox also replied, “Now if only your sword was as quick as your mouth.”

“Oh so that's how it is?”

“Yeah, that's how it is.”

Other squads in the twelfth also slowly made their way to the arena. The area was made up of four separate rings, each worn to bare dirt by the near constant use. The rings were nestled into the corner of the courtyard. At one of the rings stood the fourth member of Brave squad, Pan Tindale, stretching his back in anticipation. As he saw his three squadmates arrive, he sarcastically said “Hello ladies, what took you so long?”

Rox replied, “Getting the crap you left at the dummies you dainty twig.” Slide threw his bag at Pan to shut him up before he made any other remarks.

Pan was the youngest at 18, only just being of age to join the guardsmen. Prior to that he was a messenger boy with lots of experience free running, as such he was thin but surprisingly fit. 

"Hey, Tecovis said you had it, why would I need to come get it?"

Rox then commented,“You know that there’s more to fighting than showing up first right? I’m surprised it hasn’t gotten old for you yet.”

Before Pan could respond, another squad came up to the rings led by Recruit Dionis “Dense” Mench. He was of similar build to Rox, though much more stout in size. “Look at what the mapache dragged in,” he said as he sauntered up. “A bunch of temple rats calling themselves a squad”

Rox set down the gear he was carrying at one of the racks as he replied, “Big talk coming from the bottom rung. How’s your collarbone treating you?”

Dense gave Rox a sideways glance as he rolled his shoulder. “You’d better watch yourself Rox, unlike you I’m not a pushov-”  Slide tripped him from behind.

“Oops” Slide spoke slyly, “Didn’t notice the garbage pile on the field. Someone really needs to clean that up.”

Dense stared daggers into Slide from the dirt as Commander Lions arrived. “Alright, cut it out, we’ve got duels to set. Recruit Dionis, I know you look like a sack of potatoes, but you shouldn’t be sprawled out like one. To your feet.”

Dense got up with a “Yes sir.” and continued to glare holes into Brave squad as Commander Lions stepped up on the podium near the dueling rings.

“Good afternoon recruits. Form up!”

Within a few short moments, all of the platoon-in-training stepped quickly into their lines and stood at attention.

“Today is your final dueling evaluation. Each of you will face off against one another. Once you’ve tenderized each other a bit, you will then face one of the instructors for your last duel. You will all be scored individually based on form and endurance. If you can’t make it to the instructors, then you can’t be trusted to guard this city. Do you understand?”

The platoon responded with a resounding “SIR, YES SIR!”

“Squad leaders, to the front.”

Tecovis and Dense both walked to the front next to the podium along with six other recruits.

“Squad leaders, grab the assignment list in front of you and get your squads to their positions.”

All the squad leaders grabbed the bound scroll that was in front of them and turned back to their squad. When Tecovis was back in position he called the other three to circle up as he unbound the scroll. Inside the scroll was a bracket that showed all the matches that Brave squad would participate in. Two for each member. One against another squadmate, one against someone from the other squads. Once the squads all got their assignments, they made their way to the rings. Squad Able and squad Brave had the rings first. Tecovis was set against Pan in the first round, followed by Dionis. He didn't see the instructors in the brackets.

Tecovis went to the rack where Rox had put the weapons and grabbed a bronze rimmed, wooden shield and blunted training sword. With his open hand, he stopped Pan. “Hey, you good?”

Pan looked at him, clearly a bit bummed, “Yeah Teco, I’m fine.”

“You know why we’re harsh with you right? We all want you to succeed.”

“Even Silnor?”

“Especially Silnor. Slide may be a fool and a jerk, but he thinks of you like the brother he never had.”

"How do you know that?"

"We had a lot of time to talk during survival training. He treats you the way he does because he doesn’t know how to express himself without being an idiot."

Pan broke eye contact and began to contemplate what Tecovis said.

“It just feels like everyone’s talking down to me all the time. Always talking over me, and interrupting. Can’t even get a word in edgewise to defend myself before someone else joins in.”

Tecovis patted Pan’s shoulder and replied “Some people are talkers, two thirds of them don’t even realize they’re doing it. Make them conscious of it and you’ll start to fix the problem, and if they’re part of the one third that are doing it on purpose, you can just ignore them. They aren’t worth your time.” Tecovis smiled at Pan, trying to emulate Zebulon's comforting presence. “Now grab your weapons and meet me at the corner ring.”

They made their way over to the dueling ring closest to the corner of the courtyard. At the ring one of the instructors, Corporal Kitt, was waiting to judge the match. Corporal Kitt was a black and curly haired woman with ruddy skin and brown eyes. Like everyone else in the barracks, she was wearing the standard issue bronze lamellar armor, though she had forgone the helmet.

“Good afternoon recruit Shavar, and also to you recruit Tindale. I hope you’re stretched, cause we’re not slowing down once we start.”

Tecovis began to speak, “Please forgive me if I’m slow today Corporal, I-”

“And why would I do that, recruit?”

“Corporal, Commander Phurin-”

“Using commander Phurin as an excuse isn’t going to save you from a proper evaluation.”

“I know that Corporal, I’m just making sure you’re briefed on my circumstances.”

“Your circumstances are not my concern today, recruit Shavar. Your performance is. Get in position.”

Tecovis repressed a sigh, “Yes, Corporal.”

He walked across the dueling ring to his position. Pan also took his opposite Tecovis.

Pan locked eyes with Tecovis and made a subtle gesture in Corporal Kitt’s direction.

Tecovis shook his head feeling exactly the way Pan had mere moments ago.

Corporal Kitt put her arms behind her back and stood with authority.

“Battle stances.”

Pan and Tecovis drew their swords with their right hands and raised their shields. They spread their legs to shoulder width, placed their right feet behind them, and both bent their knees to load their legs for quick movement. The late summer sun beat down into the courtyard and Tecovis could feel the sweat under his padded gambeson. Pan adjusted his grip on his sword. Tecovis was trying to stay still, the soreness in his legs upset his stability more than he wanted to portray. 

Corporal Kitt spoke again. “Best two of three. First round. Begin!”

Pan was the first to move. He began slowly walking toward Tecovis at a slight angle to Tecovis's shield side.

What are you playing at, Tecovis thought to himself.

Tecovis maintained his line with Pan by adjusting his stance to stay facing him, otherwise staying put in his starting position. 

After seeing Tecovis shift, Pan's lips tightened. Whatever he was planning was clearly thwarted.

I need to get him to open up. Maybe a feint? Won't help yet, no. I need him to feel pressure so he'll back off. I'll have an easier time cracking him if he fears my strike. 

Tecovis lunged forward, placing his shield in between where he thought a counter would come from before swinging quickly towards Pan's head.

Pan raised his shield to block the strike and the blade collided with a *crack*. Pan's shield arm was pushed towards his head slightly from the blow and he backed off out of range. Tecovis pursued, using the momentum from the sword bouncing off the shield to start a diagonal overhead strike from the other Side. Pan saw it coming and pulled his torso back to dodge the blow.

A flash of steel from above indicated another incoming strike.

On instinct, Tecovis thrust his sword in that direction. He heard and felt the blades sliding across each other and adjusted his grip to catch his opponent blade in his crossguard. He carried the sword's newly gained downward momentum and shifted his weight, deflecting the blow towards his shield side. The sudden change in direction caused Pan to falter, leaving him open for a counter, which Tecovis quickly took advantage of with a pommel strike to Pan's helmeted forehead.

“Point Tecovis!”

Pan stumbled and fell on his back, stunned from the impact against his skull.

Tecovis grinned, pleased with himself. He then moved his sword to his off hand and adjusted his shield straps as he spoke to his downed friend. “That's why we wear helmets with pads, Pan. Could have hurt a lot worse.”

Pan sat up from the dust of the ring and shook his head. He asked “How the heck did you catch that? I was on the inside and your sword was way off line!”

“Living with Lieutenant Zebulon did wonders for my swordsmanship.” Tecovis offered his now free hand to help up Pan, who firmly took hold of it and was promptly pulled to his feet.

“Maker, I hope I don't have to face off against anyone like you in the field.”

“That's why we keep training. The criminals out there need to say that about us.”

Corporal Kitt yelled, “Positions!”

Tecovis patted Pan’s Shoulder and returned to his spot in the ring. He felt the muscles in his thigh begin to vibrate. Discomforted by this, he used his free hand to apply pressure and massage the muscles, though it was difficult to do through the armor and gambeson. Once it stopped spasming, he swapped his sword back to his main hand and nodded to both Pan and Corporal Kitt. 

“Battle stances!”

Pan and Tecovis took to their stances. Filled with grit, they locked eyes with their opponents.

“One to zero, Tecovis. Round two. Begin!”

Tecovis wasted no time and charged at Pan, shield raised.

Pan was taken aback by the different start and dodged to his left. He swung towards Tecovis's open side, though he was even more surprised to find that Tecovis had thrust his own blade forward to catch it, his crossguard striking the weak of Pan’s blade and pushing it away with ease.

With their blades were occupied, he twisted around and smashed his shield against Pan. 

Pan was sturdier than he thought, however, blocking the shield bash with his own shield he slid his blade down Tecovis's sword into the strong and maneuvered under the crossed blades into the open ring.

Blast it! He got away!

Pan and Tecovis regained their respective balances as Tecovis's leg started to vibrate again.

“This isn't a dance recruits, quit showing off.”

Pan raised his shield between the two of them, Tecovis took a slightly more relaxed stance.

Maybe I can bait him to try a charge on me, trip him out of the ring. No, he's too smart for that. I'll hit him again to strike some more fear, maybe I can get a good faint still.

Tecovis began to step around the edge of the ring towards Pan's shield side.

Pan's feet shifted In place.

I'll get him when he shifts next, while his feet are awkward.

Tecovis continued to walk around the ring, inching closer to Pan. He lifted his sword in preparation for his attack.

Pan began to shift again and Tecovis launched another lunge toward the shield. The tip of the shield embedded itself in the wood.

Pan felt the blade stick and he twisted his shield to try and disarm Tecovis.

Tecovis loosened his grip and let the handle spin. When Pan reached the end of his twisting arc, Tecovis retightened his grip and yanked the sword out of the shield. 

Pan grimaced at Tecovis's quick thinking and readied his defense, as Tecovis spun the sword in his hand to a more comfortable and usable position. His leg finally stopped vibrating again.

Is he scared yet?

Tecovis flinched at Pan. His guard came up.

Sure is. Let's get h- Tecovis's thoughts were cutoff as Pan whirled his blade towards his head. He stepped back and saw the tip of the blade skim just past the bridge of his helm's nose guard. He tried to stab at Pan's stomach only for the rim of the shield to knock his blade off line again.

Maintaining momentum, Pan went low and knocked Tecovis's legs out from under him.

Tecovis tucked his shield close to distribute the impact he was about to take and simultaneously swung at Pan.


Both Pan and Tecovis had blades in each other's armored torsos, Tecovis on the ground and Pan crouched over him.

Through a raspy breath, Tecovis said, “...ow…”

Pan backed off. And Tecovis rolled onto his back to catch his breath, the lamellar crunching lightly as dirt was crushed in the spaces between the plates. After a moment, he looked at Pan who was smiling. 

“Nice footwork Pan.”

“Thanks, I'd still be dead if I wasn't armored, but I'm really happy I got you.”

“That's what it's there for. Gotta love this stuff.” He tapped one breastplate. “You did really well, I'm definitely gonna bruise from that.”

“Are you done dawdling down there?”

“Yes Corporal.”

Pan offered his hand to Tecovis and he hoisted his downed leader.


Both combatants returned to their spots.

“Battle stances!”

They crouched into defensive stances.

“One to zero, Tecovis. Round three. Begin!”

This fight started with two still combatants staring each other down.

Pan would move first, slowly making his way toward Tecovis, who was settling in for a power strike.

Tecovis waited patiently for his opponent to close the gap for him. His leg vibrated once more, he fought the urge to massage it again.

Pan stepped onto the line Tecovis had imagined and Tecovis swung for Pan's head as he had in the first round. As before, Pan's shield came up to meet it, only to be circumvented as Tecovis twisted his wrist and shifted the blade over his head and towards Pan's neck.

The blade perfectly aligned for a lethal blow, only for it to stop an inch from Pan's neck, twist so that the flat of the blade was parallel with it, and then tap it with a sly flick.


“Victory, Tecovis!

Pan recoiled in horror as he realized what happened.

“What the shrike!? How!?”

Tecovis smiled and sheathed his sword, “I told you already, I lived with an expert.”

“You could have killed me!”

“Fine control of the blade is part of what it takes to be the best Pan. The other part is about getting in your opponent's head. Why do you think I wasted energy hitting your shield so hard? I've been setting that victory strike up the last two rounds. I would have tried it the previous round if you hadn't tripped me.”

Pan's terrified expression turned to morbid consideration. 

Corporal Kitt yelled to the two recruits, “Alright you two, get out of my ring. Rest for your next matches.”

Both responded with a simultaneous “Yes Corporal!” and exited the dusty ring.

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