Uhtred, son of the Orc Warchief, has always felt like an outsider in his own clan. Lacking the combat prowess expected of him, he struggles to find his place among his fierce and battle-hardened people. Across the border, Andira, the gentle and idealistic...
In the shadowed streets of Nagoya, where the delicate balance of power between rival clans teeters on the edge of chaos, Akiko Hanabira finds herself trapped between duty, fear, and a relentless desire to reclaim her autonomy. As the daughter of a powerful...
Series summary
The Seer of The Maker has spoken, the fate of The Allied Kingdoms of Stogh is sealed by their negligence. But deliverance shall come to the faithful by way of flame.
It's been fifteen years since this proclamation. For almost nine, the forces...
Powerful mercenaries murdered Beylesa's father half a decade ago. Frantic tales now come of an army ravaging towns across Emrandyr, and the young Inquisitor’s only choice is to swallow her hatred of hired swords and call upon a rising team of mercenaries to...
This is a segment I wanted to practice for my book. It contains many spelling errors and a serious pace issue. This is a short story not to be considered canon, very NSFW 18+
Embark on an emotional journey in "A Runaway Father's Odyssey" as Benedikt unravels the intricate threads of his enigmatic past. Bearing the burdens of betrayal, adventure, and the quest for redemption, Benedikt's soul-stirring narrative takes center stage....
[b]LAST UPDATED: 5/10/2024[/b]
It's been almost a thousand years since the great Hallowing War sundered the barrier between the Seven Hells and the mortal realm. In the wake of this conflict, the denizens of Emmeron have slowly rebuilt while suffering through...
Long ago, when the world was young. A simple farmer triggers a series of event that will reach far outside of the scope of anything he would have ever dreamt of. A tale of war and horror, of events that will end and era and extinguish the flames of a great...
[h3][center]Toy Soldier: A derogatory term for an elven marine.[/center][/h3]
[i]Battles great and terrible, small and bitter, raged across Known Space as the wars of Elves and Orcs played out their legacy of hatred across the stars themselves. Epics would...
Battles great and terrible, small and bitter, raged across Known Space as the wars of Elves and Orcs played out their legacy of hatred across the stars themselves. Epics would be written, songs would be sung; but wars are fought by real people with loves and...
When the young dragon, Aeris, begins to question the only life she's known, she's thrust into a world of betrayal of deceit. Her survival depends on how well she can navigate the blood-filled streets of a world she knows nothing about.
**This is the older...
The Sixth and Final Part of The Oblivion Series.
War. As the forces of good assemble to counter the threat posed by The Shadow, the greatest threat ever to haunt the world. Our heroes must come together with them, if they hope to survive the darkness, both...
The Fifth Part of The Oblivion Series.
Dmitri Jones is dead. Martin has been kidnapped and his eldest brother Jack is still away in the south. The group of survivors is at its lowest point. Whilst they believe themselves safe in their new mountain home. They...
The Fourth Part of The Oblivion Series.
The Shadow has returned and evil has seemingly triumphed. The group must adapt to survive without Alan Wolfrick, with the worst still to come, and not all will see the end. Hope remains as they meet new allies amongst...
The Second Part of The Oblivion Series.
After the events of the first novel, join the group once more as they battle not just against the ruling power of The Imperial City, but against a secret organisation that has been pulling the strings of power for centuries....
Ash and Jesse are twin werewolves who stumble upon their mother's mutilated corpse following a full moon. They then must unravel the tangle of mystery, lies, and secrets surrounding their mother's death and discover which of their pack members was responsible....
[h3][center]Toy Soldier: A derogatory slang term for an elven marine.[/center][/h3]
[i]Battles great and terrible, small and bitter, raged across Known Space as the wars of Elves and Orcs played out their legacy of hatred across the stars themselves. Epics...
Ren and Nixie meet under the most unlikely of circumstances, however they find an instant bond to each other. Is this just a primal thing due to their status? Or is it a true friendship based of understanding of each others desire to live beyond the roles...
Aiselle was never any good at magic. She could barely perform a basic woodsong, and yet her mother expected her to take over the family business in due time. Aiselle never dreamed of leaving home. She never once considered why her skin was covered in sores...