In the captivating yet tumultuous realm of Gaia, where magic permeates the very fabric of life, a sinister undercurrent of corruption lurks beneath the surface. Amidst this enchanting world, K.J. Sharpe, a commoner and courier who grapples with partial deafness,...
Eine Geschichte, so alt wie die Menschheit selbst. Neue Erfindungen bringen neue Probleme und bergen große Gefahren. Medizinische Nanomaschinen sind eine Gefahr für die Menschheit. Sie sind eine geheime Waffe der Regierung. Sie läuten den Untergang der Gesellschaft...
Welcome to The Vau, a fantastical world set on four planets orbiting a brown dwarf: a gas giant that nearly became a star, which itself orbits a red dwarf. In this magical setting, the celestial bodies themselves are sapient beings which watch over the myriad...
Part 2 of "If You Want to Go Far, Go Together".
A relatively shameless excuse to explore Jack and Daniel's friendship and relationship, expounding on things that happen in the show and exploring the feelings or missing scenes. This is a Jack/Daniel fic. It...
[b]LAST UPDATED: 5/10/2024[/b]
It's been almost a thousand years since the great Hallowing War sundered the barrier between the Seven Hells and the mortal realm. In the wake of this conflict, the denizens of Emmeron have slowly rebuilt while suffering through...
(Improved and Direct Sequel To Losing of Darkness while recommended but not requirement to keep up with the story)
Note: Losing Of Darkness is currently being rewritten!
( In regards to those who have completed the previous novel, the chapters of 88, 2, 3,...
Sample chapters of a high fantasy novel for adults.
Sometimes, the heart does not choose until it's too late. This has never been more true for Amilié, a valuable Blade of the Triple Eye. She's always strived to protect her loved ones, even by leaving...
Ren and Nixie meet under the most unlikely of circumstances, however they find an instant bond to each other. Is this just a primal thing due to their status? Or is it a true friendship based of understanding of each others desire to live beyond the roles...