In the aftermath of a devastating apocalypse, a lone survivor scours the ruins for food and supplies, navigating the treacherous, zombie-infested world. She’s forced into a brutal fight for survival, battling both the zombies and the creeping isolation that...
Vivian, a deadly assassin posing as a high-society escort, Tre, a technician harboring feelings for the ghost of her former lover, and Naomi, a survivor held together by machinery and anger, find themselves at the center of an interstellar crisis when a mind-corrupting...
In the shadowed heart of Appalachia, "Deep Gap" unveils a chilling narrative set against the backdrop of a town ensnared by forgotten horrors and the looming specter of Alchem Cola's ambition. As adventurers delve into the ruins of Meat Camp, they confront...
This is a ROUGH DRAFT of the first three chapters. The novel is currently undergoing a developmental edit for second act world-building and third act structure.
Plunged into Tasmania's most chilling cases, Senior Detective Karl Jenkins confronts a string of disappearances that entangle with his clandestine affair with Detective Sarah Lahey. As a dangerous obsession emerges, every step toward the truth draws Karl perilously...
(Note: This was a small project I made in 2 days for a college application. I haven't done any updates or revisions since then, due to how messy and terribly written it is. I liked the idea and how the story was going to go. So, I'm planning to write a remake...
Discover the story of detectives Harry and Denzel. Through the gritty, dark world of The Bornless universe. Where we follow what drove Harry deep into those dark woods.
The sun is setting in the West, as the fledling is no longer afraid of the scarecrow. The leveret colludes with the snare in the dead of night. Before the dawn, the revenant sets out to kill the immortal.
RENEGADE is a novella set in the post-apocalyptic...
Meet Veronica Sutherland and Rose Welsh; two unlikely friends who must work together to escape the Organization.
Kidnapped, tourtured, and lost; Veronica and Rose must work together to escape or die trying.
The world is in a sad state, no one knows how it got so messed up, but we know it was after Covid-21. The world had been optimistic then. This is now. The world is no longer optimistic, everyone's buried brothers, friends, parents, children. Everyone wears...
The Second Part of The Oblivion Series.
After the events of the first novel, join the group once more as they battle not just against the ruling power of The Imperial City, but against a secret organisation that has been pulling the strings of power for centuries....
The First Part of The Oblivion Series.
A thousand years have passed since the fall of the western empire. When an old enemy begins to re-emerge, will the fractured people of the west unite or will their differences be to great.
"This rule will remain active throughout the Killing Game! For whoever manages to kill Prairie Marble...gets to graduate scot-free! No need to wait for a perfect moment, kill her whenever you like! Kill her in front of her friends and lovers! Bring your kids!...
Ren and Nixie meet under the most unlikely of circumstances, however they find an instant bond to each other. Is this just a primal thing due to their status? Or is it a true friendship based of understanding of each others desire to live beyond the roles...